It is not clear what you are trying to do. It is also difficult to point out the error without looking at .gms file. I am not sure if the line you have mentioned in the question is the code or pseudo code.
Assuming it is your code,
Few things to look at:
- How do you define set k, l? Do both k and l have ‘1’ and ‘2’ elements in it or is the domain of variable s is being violated?
- The equal sign in gams is =e=
- The statement should end with a semicolon
- If you are not using set l in the equation, then you need not define equation as D(l). Writing D… should suffice.
Please take a look at for tutorials.
Several issues.
- you are defining set l as /pa, le/ but in defining parameter Cc, you use paris and lemans. Same with set k which gives you domain violation error.
- The tables in your code is not aligned. Columns need to aligned. Please refer to see how tables are defined.
An example would be as follows.
Pa Le
Re 89.6 213
Na 240 115;
- you are defining variable s(k, l). As a result GAMS expects you index s with ‘Re’, ‘Na’, ‘Pa’, ‘Le’. You are indexing with ‘1’ and ‘2’ which are not in sets k and l. The equation should be rewritten as follows:
s( ‘Re’,‘Pa’) + s(‘Le’,‘Re’) =e= s(‘Re’,‘Le’) + s( ‘Na’,‘Le’);
This is really helpful to me, thank you