Include LES demand elasticity in CGE model

I am trying to include LES demand elasticity in the constructed CGE model to examine the welfare impact of a policy shock.
Thus, I tried to prepare a list of this elasticity values (for different commodities by different segments) in my base model using parameter as following.

LESELAST(C,H) Expenditure elasticity of marketed DD for C by hoh H
COM01 0.54 0.65 0.7 …
COM02 0.55 0.56 …

However, the results seem failed. There are few errors I got from the solver, such as
***Error 170 in C (Domain violation for element)
***Error 1 in C (Real number expected)
***Error 148 in C (Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/ less indices as declared)
***Error 334 in C (Illegal data following a data element- rest ignored)

From the above results I got, I fall in dilemma that I don’t know what’s wrong with my model. So, may I know is there any solution to this problem?
Greatly appreciated and million thanks in advance for any reply.

Hi Verona

Without your complete code it is almost impossible to help you, as the error can be anywhere.
Please attach your model.
