If statement

Hi there.

I have a question related to the correct implementation of if statement.

The problem is something like these, I have a model runnig a 24 value set (t), while the model runs the maximum value of the set has to be send to another variable. Such as:

if (dwB(t) >= dwB(t-1))

at the end, the model must return the maximum value of the variable dwB(t).

How can i implement these statement correctly?


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Hi, please follow the guidelines as defined in
so we can try to help you, with what you provided it is a bit
difficult, e.g. do you mean “outcome” is the solution of a previous
model run? “dependent” in a way that if the variable is higher than a
certain value used in the condition the value will differ?

2015-02-12 11:14 GMT+01:00 Rajesh Kumar Rai :

Hi Guys

I need some help with the if statement. I have a parameter that is dependent
on the outcome of a variable. How do i go about implementing this in my
Typically from most examples that I have seen, the parameter value may
change depending on another scalar value. But the case that I described
above is slightly
Thanks for the clarification!

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