I need help to fix these errors in my model

DemandaSatisfecha(j, m)… sum(j, Demanda(j, m) + I(j, m-1)) =g= Demanda(j, m) + I(j, m-1);
**** $125
**** 125 Set is under control already
100 ProduccionIgualSuministro(j, m)… Produccion(j, m) =e= sum(j, X(j, j, m) + I(j, m-1));
**** 125 **** 125 Set is under control already 101 102 Model GasNaturalTransporte /all/; 103 104 Parameter 105 costos(j, m); 106 107 Solve GasNaturalTransporte Using MIP Minimizing sum((j, m), Costo(j, m)*I(j, m) + sum(h(ord(h) ne ord(j)), Transporte(j, h)*X(j, h, m)));
**** $2 $243,257,409
**** 2 Identifier expected
**** 243 Objective is not a variable
**** 257 Solve statement not checked because of previous errors
**** 409 Unrecognizable item - skip to find a new statement
**** looking for a ‘;’ or a key word to get started again


First, this should be related to your model, so probably Model section in this forum would be more appropriate.

Second, in your model, you are summing j in an equation indexed by j, which technically eliminates the j index in your equation. You would need to revise your modeling.
