Thank you Renger for your answer.
Best regards
On 8 May 2015 at 11:27, Renger van Nieuwkoop wrote:
Hi Linstro
Finding out if a model is infeasible before you run it, might be hard…
However, you can find the first one that is infeasible and stop after that one using the model status (modelstat) in a while loop. Model status equal to 6 is infeasible.
The model status can be found as follows:
Parameter mymodel_status;
** Initialize the status to 1 (optimal), so we can start the while loop:
While (mymodel_status eq 1,
Solve mymodel….
Mymodel_status = mymodel.modelstat;
You could also
Hope this helps.
PS. Here are the possible values of status
Integer number that indicates the model status.
1 Optimal
2 Locally Optimal
3 Unbounded
4 Infeasible
5 Locally Infeasible
6 Intermediate Infeasible
7 Intermediate Nonoptimal
8 Integer Solution
9 Intermediate Non-Integer
10 Integer Infeasible
11 Licensing Problem
12 Error Unknow n
13 Error No Solution
14 No Solution Returned
15 Solved Unique
16 Solved
17 Solved Singular
18 Unbounded - No Solution
19 Infeasible - No Solution
From: [] On Behalf Of Linstro Forren
Sent: Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015 17:51
Subject: How to stop a loop before it reaches infeasible solution.
Dear Programmers,
An example of loop as seen in the following, I want to stop at the last “s”, for example s=0.6, that makes feasible solution, how to stop or abort the loop before an infeasible solution takes place? So there is no need to run the remaining s=0.8, and s=1. Thank you!
scalar s;
for (s = 0 to 1 by 0.2,
solve abc using nlp maximizing obj;
Best regards,
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