Subject: How to simplify the CCGT unit commitment model?
Hi all,
I used GAMS to model the combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) unit commitment problem
,but the model has too many rows in CCGT constraints.
I tried to “GAMS SET” to simplify the model but failed.
How to write the constraints in GAMS efficiently?
Related program files such as attachments.
For example, the “CCGT” constraints as follow:
S("CCGT_M0","CCGT_M1",H) + S("CCGT_M1","CCGT_M0",H)
+ S("CCGT_M1","CCGT_M2",H) + S("CCGT_M2","CCGT_M1",H)
+ S("CCGT_M2","CCGT_M3",H) + S("CCGT_M3","CCGT_M2",H)
=l= 1;
CCGT_trans_M0(H)$(ord(H) > 1)..
U("CCGT_M0",H) - U("CCGT_M0",H - 1)
=e= sum(CCGT_FS_0,S(CCGT_FS_0,"CCGT_M0",H))
- sum(CCGT_FS_0,S("CCGT_M0",CCGT_FS_0,H));
CCGT_trans_M1(H)$(ord(H) > 1)..
U("CCGT_M1",H) - U("CCGT_M1",H - 1)
=e= sum(CCGT_FS_1,S(CCGT_FS_1,"CCGT_M1",H))
- sum(CCGT_FS_1,S("CCGT_M1",CCGT_FS_1,H));
CCGT_trans_M2(H)$(ord(H) > 1)..
U("CCGT_M2",H) - U("CCGT_M2",H - 1)
=e= sum(CCGT_FS_2,S(CCGT_FS_2,"CCGT_M2",H))
- sum(CCGT_FS_2,S("CCGT_M2",CCGT_FS_2,H));
CCGT_trans_M3(H)$(ord(H) > 1)..
U("CCGT_M3",H) - U("CCGT_M3",H - 1)
=e= sum(CCGT_FS_3,S(CCGT_FS_3,"CCGT_M3",H))
- sum(CCGT_FS_3,S("CCGT_M3",CCGT_FS_3,H));
UC_CCGT.7z (6.81 KB)