Hello, I am having some difficulty with coding in GAMS and would like to ask for your help.
I have a parameter A(EV, Prob), where EV stands for electric vehicle and Prob represents probability.
Prob is defined by a set of 5 elements (p1 to p5).
I would like to create a new parameter B that assigns a value of 1 to the two Prob indices with the highest probability, and 0 to the rest.
For example:
A(“EV1”, “p1”) = 0.10;
A(“EV1”, “p2”) = 0.15;
A(“EV1”, “p3”) = 0.25;
A(“EV1”, “p4”) = 0.20;
A(“EV1”, “p5”) = 0.30;
In this case, I want B(“EV1”, “p3”) and B(“EV1”, “p5”) to be set to 1, and the other indices to be 0.
Could you please advise how I could structure the code to achieve this?
The below code is my approach but I guess there would be better way…
maxProb = smax(Prob, A(EV, Prob));
B(EV, Prob)$(A(EV, Prob) = maxProb) = 1;
A(EV, Prob)$(A(EV, Prob) = maxProb) = -1e6;
secondMaxProb = smax(Prob, A(EV, Prob));
B(EV, Prob)$(A(EV, Prob) = secondMaxProb) = 1;
A(EV, Prob)$(A(EV, Prob) = -1e6) = maxProb;