Hi there,
I would like to solve a (trivial) environmental problem related to a global pollutant. The problem is basically a Cournot game where countries have to choose the optimal level of emissions given a quadratic emission benefit function and a quadratic emission damage (cost) function. So, welfare for country i is given by W(i) = b*(ae(i)-1/2e(i)^2) - 1/2cE^2, where E = sum over i of e(i). Of course, the problem can be easily solved analytically, but I would like to find the solution using the MCP solver.
I tried this code:
i /1*10/
a /10/
b /6/
c /0.39999/
d /0.239994/
Positive Variables
e(i) emission level of country i
Ineq(i) non-negative emissions
foc(i) first order condition
zeroc(i) slackness condition;
zeroc(i)… (ba-be(i)-c*(sum(j,e(j))))e(i) =e= 0; * slackness condition
Ineq(i)… e(i) =g= 0;
foc(i)… -ba+be(i)+c(sum(j,e(j))) =g= 0; * FOC
model sartmcp / zeroc, ineq.e, foc.e/;
solve sartmcp using MCP;
Anyway, it is wrong. I get exit code 3. Is there anyone so kind to help me solving it.
Thanks a lot,
P.S. As you can easily understand, I am a very beginner of GAMS.
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