Hallo to everyone,
i code my model in gams but error *** Equation infeasible due to rhs value **** in line 92 occured.
please help me to correct it.
my code is following :
1 sets
2 j activity / a1a7 /
3 k resource type / k1k3 /
4 t time period / 120 /
5 m mode /m1m2 / ;
6 alias(i,j) ;
7 alias(u,t);
8 variables
9 x(j,m,t) activity j in mode m in time t
10 sr(k) recruitment date of resource type k
11 fr(k) release date of resource type k
12 z1 total present value
13 z2 total cost of resource ;
14 binary variables x ;
15 integer variables sr, fr ;
16 parameters
17 c(k) unit cost of resource types per unit time
18 / k1 14
19 k2 23
20 k3 17 /
21 a(k) constant availability of renewable resource type k
22 / k1 30
23 k2 40
24 k3 50 /
25 r(j,k,m) resource requirement of activity j in mode m for resource type k
26 / a2. k1. m1 = 9
27 a2. k1. m2 = 6
28 a3. k1. m1 = 12
29 a3. k1. m2 = 6
30 a3. k3. m1 = 11
31 a3. k3. m2 = 6
32 a4. k1. m1 = 3
33 a4. k1. m2 = 1
34 a4. k2. m1 = 4
35 a4. k2. m2 = 1
36 a4. k3. m1 = 3
37 a4. k3. m2 = 2
38 a5. k2. m1 = 3
39 a5. k2. m2 = 2
40 a5. k3. m1 = 4
41 a5. k3. m2 = 3
42 a6. k1. m1 = 9
43 a6. k1. m2 = 6
44 a6. k2. m1 = 4
45 a6. k2. m2 = 2 /
46 ES(j) earliest start time of activity j
47 /a2 1
48 a3 1
49 a4 5
50 a5 5
51 a6 4
52 a7 20/
53 LS(j) latest start time of activity j
54 /a2 7
55 a3 7
56 a4 17
57 a5 13
58 a6 16
59 a7 20/ ;
60 table d(j,m) duration of activity j in mode m
61 m1 m2
62 a1 0 0
63 a2 4 7
64 a3 3 7
65 a4 2 4
66 a5 6 8
67 a6 3 5
68 a7 0 0 ;
69 table cf(j,m) cashflow of activity j in mode m
70 m1 m2
71 a1 0 0
72 a2 100 200
73 a3 300 400
74 a4 500 600
75 a5 700 800
76 a6 900 1000
77 a7 0 0 ;
78 scalar w deadline of the project /20/ ;
79 scalar v discount rate /0.05/ ;
80 equations
81 value define objective function 1
82 cost define objective function 2
83 precedence(i,j) precedence constraint
84 execution(j) start time in one execution mode
85 resources(k,t) renewable resources limitations
86 recruitment(j,k) recruitment dates for resources
87 release(j,k) release dates for resources
88 deadline(j,m) project deadline is not violated ;
89 value… z1 =e= sum((j,m,t)(ord(t)>= ES(j)and ord(t)= ES(j)and ord(t)= ES(i)and ord(t)= ES(j)and ord(t)=(ord(t)-d(j,m)+1)),r(j,k,m)*x(j,m,u)
)=l= a(K) ;
94 recruitment(j,k).. sr(k)=l= sum((t,m)(ord(t)>= ES(j)and ord(t)= ES(j)and ord(t)= ES(j)and ord(t)<= LS(j)),ord(t)*x(j,m,t))=
l= w ;
97 model MRCPSP /all/ ;
98 solve MRCPSP using mip maximizing z1 ;
99 solve MRCPSP using mip minimizing z2 ;
100 display x.l,sr.l,fr.l,z1.l,z2.l ;
Error Message :
**** Exec Error at line 92: Equation infeasible due to rhs value
---- execution =E= start time in one execution mode
execution(a1)… 0 =E= 1 ; (LHS = 0, INFES = 1 ****)
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