gsp files

After the 42 update, Im full of gsp files.

What do they do?, I read they save the project or something.
Is there a way to disable the creation of gsp files?


With GAMS 42 the project handling of Studio was reworked to automatically create the gsp (GamsStudioProject) file for every project you open / have open. So, if you write, that you are “full of gsp files”, could it be, that you actually have many projects open, maybe unnoticed, since you usually do not have the Project Explorer visible? If that is the case, you can “fix” this behavior by closing the unwanted project from the context menu of the Project Explorer (e.g. Click on any project in the Project Explorer, press Ctrl+a to mark all projects, select “Close Projects” from the context menu of the Project Explorer).

Hope that helps,