How do I get the scenario probabilities using the “.opt” label in EMP dict?
* Dictionary
Set scen S "scenarios" / 1*243/;
s_Xb(scen,i, t) "amount bought "
s_Xs(scen,i, t) "amount sold "
s_Xh(scen, i, t) "stocks"
s_A(scen, t) "captalization"
s_c(scen, t) "tax"
s_F(scen, t) "F"
s_Z(scen, t) "deficits"
s_jr(scen,i,t) "join returns"
s_L(scen, t) "Liability"
s_rep(scen, *) "Probability per Scenario"
Set dict /
scen .scenario.''
jr .randvar .s_jr
L .randvar .s_L
Xb .level .s_Xb
Xs .level .s_Xs
Xh .level .s_Xh
A .level .s_A
c .level .s_c
F .level .s_F
Z .level .s_Z
'' .opt .s_rep/
tying this, but getting error
OBS: I’m brazilian, sorry about my english
Dados.xlsx (10.9 KB)
programa_teste2-emp.gms (5.95 KB)