GDXXRW - writing to excel - no header


I am trying to write my variables results (.L) without printing the header (corresponding to the sets). Let’s say i have x(t) with t from 1 to 24, and in excel i only want the x(t) values to be written, but what i get with GDXXRW is that i get the headers 1, 2, … 24 printed.

i tried with cdim and rdim=0 and i can’t figure out a solution. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance

As far as I know, this is not possible, but why should you want to do this? Why do the labels bother you?

Hi Renger and thanks for the feedback.

That would be just a matter of organizing the data straight from GAMS to the “right” place in the spreadsheet in order to make it easier for tables, plots and so on. But i can just upload stuff there and use referencing instead.


if it is about getting the values into the right place, you might want to use the “merge” option of gdxxrw, like described here:
