GDXin in Mac system

Dear all,
I realised gdxxrw not functioning in Mac system… But after I got a done gdx. file from others,
I tried to read it in in my code, it doesn’t work. and seems can’t find the file (I checked carefully, it was there, in the same folder of .gms file!)

*$call “gdxxrw upload_data.xlsx @temp.tmp o=Data_input”;
*$include “demand.csv”;
*$if not exist demand.csv $abort.noError Data ist not present!
*$call csv2gdx demand.csv output=Data_input.gdx fieldSep=Comma useHeader=y id=d_upload;
*$call csv2gdx renewable_share.csv output=Data_input2 fieldSep=Comma useHeader=y id=phi_res_upload;

$gdxin data_input.gdx; //here, wrong, with “no such file or directory”…
*$load Data_input.gdx;
$load d_upload phi_res_upload;

Any one shed some lights, many thanks!

Environment: GAMS Studio 33 @ MAC… Catalina, Version 10.15.7

And clearly the message showed “no such a file”…can’t locate the file…

— Starting compilation
— MORITS.gms(219) 3 Mb
*** GDXIN failed /Users/zhang/Resource/Morits/data_input.gdx;
*** Msg: No such file or directory
— MORITS.gms(219) 3 Mb 1 Error
*** Error 510 in /Users/zhang/Resource/Morits/MORITS.gms[ERR:“/Users/zhang/Resource/Morits/MORITS.gms”,219,22][LST:205]
Unable to open gdx file for $GDXIN