Gams Retailer Modeling problem

Hello everyone,

Since it’s my first post, I have no idea if it is where it supposed to be(admins please be kind :slight_smile: ). I am working on an assignment regarding energy retailer’s profit maximization, using GAMS for modelling. The code was provided to me, with only requirement to change the parameters to get the results.

Working on my hypothesis, I discovered something troubling, that made me having doubts about the code. In theory, if we increase beta factor, the solutions must decrease and vice versa, but with the code provided it works backwards. When I increase beta, the profit increases. I tried to check the code, but my skills in GAMS are … pretty bad
Retailer.gms (3.74 KB)

So, I am asking for someone to review the code, and inform me if there are any mistakes. I am providing the mathematical formulation of the problem and the GAMS file.

With best regards,

Konstantinos Pappas
formulation.pdf (643 KB)