Hi experts!
I have written a code in GAMS and hopefully it works well.
But I find that the results are not consistent with the constraints I defined in EQUATIONS .
In the Equation D_b(i), I define that each D_b should be equal or larger than 0, like this:
D_b(i) .. p5+p11*b(i)+p12*c(i)+p13*l(i)+*p14*y(i) =g= 0;
And in the .lst file, it shows that each D_b(i) be solved on just zero(represented by “.”).
But when displaying them, I find that each D_b(i) is still negative (about -1.4584E-26 and so on)
db(i)= p5.l+p11.l*b(i)+p12.l*c(i)+p13.l*l(i)+p14.l*y(i);
display db,dy,sprice;
---- 746 PARAMETER db
1 -1.4584E-26, 2 -3.5000E-26, 3 -4.4283E-27, 4 -9.2929E-28
5 -1.2404E-27, 6 -9.2131E-28, 7 -4.0874E-27, 8 -2.3711E-27
9 -4.2175E-27, 10 -2.3077E-27, 11 -4.7505E-28, 12 -8.5157E-28
13 -2.4389E-27, 14 -1.1383E-26, 15 -3.6343E-26, 16 -3.6976E-27
17 -7.8643E-28, 18 -1.0797E-27, 19 -7.7971E-28, 20 -3.6147E-27
21 -2.2054E-27, 22 -3.2541E-27, 23 -2.1021E-27, 24 -4.1078E-28
25 -7.2960E-28, 26 -2.1892E-27, 27 -1.3065E-26, 28 -3.7490E-26
29 -3.8722E-27, 30 -8.5505E-28, 31 -1.1503E-27, 32 -7.9799E-28
33 -3.7073E-27, 34 -2.2435E-27, 35 -3.4572E-27, 36 -2.1607E-27
37 -4.5059E-28, 38 -7.7830E-28, 39 -2.2740E-27, 40 -1.4065E-26
41 -4.1160E-26, 42 -6.3776E-27, 43 -1.7800E-27, 44 -2.1074E-27
45 -1.6047E-27, 46 -6.2262E-27, 47 -3.8592E-27, 48 -5.8157E-27
49 -3.7423E-27, 50 -1.0368E-27, 51 -1.5545E-27, 52 -3.9654E-27
53 -1.6316E-26, 54 -4.7145E-26, 55 -6.6722E-27, 56 -2.0295E-27
57 -2.2796E-27, 58 -1.7494E-27, 59 -6.5698E-27, 60 -4.0855E-27
61 -6.2166E-27, 62 -3.9907E-27, 63 -1.1232E-27, 64 -1.6744E-27
65 -4.2464E-27, 66 -1.8589E-26, 67 -4.6225E-26, 68 -6.7911E-27
69 -2.0289E-27, 70 -2.1684E-27, 71 -1.7633E-27, 72 -6.3813E-27
73 -3.9653E-27, 74 -5.9819E-27, 75 -3.9666E-27, 76 -1.1421E-27
77 -1.6868E-27, 78 -4.2258E-27, 79 -2.0254E-26, 80 -4.1478E-26
81 -4.6228E-27, 82 -1.3284E-27, 83 -1.2926E-27, 84 -1.5244E-27
85 -5.9429E-27, 86 -3.6154E-27, 87 -4.7947E-27, 88 -1.8111E-27
89 -1.0305E-27, 90 -1.5217E-27, 91 -3.7405E-27, 92 -2.1457E-26
93 -4.2138E-26, 94 -4.8327E-27, 95 -1.3290E-27, 96 -8.3098E-28
97 -1.0631E-27, 98 -6.0460E-27, 99 -4.3302E-27, 100 -4.8767E-27
101 -1.8568E-27, 102 -1.0454E-27, 103 -1.3239E-27, 104 -2.9145E-27
Why GAMS didn’t make it positive?
I heard that every solver had its feasibility tolerance from here "https://newforum.gams.com/t/making-a-variable-non-zero/4189/1
Is my problem resulted from GAMS treated E-27 as zero?
How to solve that? I want positive D_b(i).
Here is the code and I used MINOS 5 , GAMS 24.8.2
Thanks very much!
Untitled_1.gms (14.3 KB)