This post contains a list of some GAMS related scientific papers. Please email suggestions for additions to this list to
- Johannes Bisschop and Alexander Meeraus. On the Development of a General Algebraic Modeling System in a Strategic Planning Environment. In Applications, volume 20 of Mathematical Programming Studies, pages 1–29. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1982.
- Michael R. Bussieck, Michael C. Ferris, and Timo Lohmann. GUSS: Solving Collections of Data Related Models within GAMS. In Josef Kallrath, editor, Algebraic Modeling Systems: Modeling and Solving Real World Optimization Problems, volume 104 of Applied Optimization, pages 35–56. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
- Michael R. Bussieck, Michael C. Ferris, and Alexander Meeraus. Grid Enabled Optimization with GAMS. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 21(3):349–362, 2009.
- Michael R. Bussieck and Alexander Meeraus. General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). In Modeling Languages in Mathematical Optimization, J. Kallrath (Ed.), volume 88 of Applied Optimization, pages 137–157. Springer US, 2004.
- Michael R. Bussieck and Alexander Meeraus. Algebraic Modeling for IP and MIP (GAMS). In Annals of Operations Research, volume 149(1), special edition History of Integer Programming: Distinguished Personal Notes and Reminiscences, Guest Editors: Kurt Spielberg and Monique Guignard-Spielberg, pages 49–56. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers, February 2007.
- Michael C. Ferris. MATLAB and GAMS: Interfacing Optimization and Visualization Software. Mathematical programming technical report, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1999.
- Michael C. Ferris, Steven P. Dirkse, Jan-H. Jagla, and Alexander Meeraus. An Extended Mathematical Programming Framework. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 33(12):1973–1982, 2009.
- Michael C. Ferris, Steven P Dirkse, and Alexander Meeraus. Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: Automatic Reformulation and Solution via Constrained Optimization. In Timothy J. Kehoe, T. N. Srinivasan, and John Whalley, editors, Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling, pages 67–94. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Michael C. Ferris and Todd S. Munson. Complementarity Problems in GAMS and the PATH Solver. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24(2):165–188, 2000.
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