Dear GAMS community:
I started using the GAMS grid computing facility together with the torque scheduler. The operating system is Ubuntu x64 12.04.2.
The job submission from GAMS works really nice, but now I want to pass additional arguments to the scheduler, i.e. I want to control the resources from within GAMS.
My idea was, to create a environment variable THRD, which contains the number of threads. This environment variable is used in
echo “#/bin/bash” > $script
echo “#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=$THRD” >> $script
echo “export SYSDIR=/opt/gams/stable” >> $script
echo “export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SYSDIR}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH” >> $script
echo “cd $3” >> $script
echo “cd …/…/” >> $script
echo ${SYSDIR}/$1 $2 $4 >> $script
echo ${SYSDIR}/gmscr_ux.out $2 >> script
echo echo OK \> {3}finished >> $script
qsub script -o {3} -e ${3}
My problem is, that I cannot change the environment variable from within GAMS.
I tried to change it by including:
Execute “export THRD=4”
,but it didn’t change anything.
Is there a way to change the environment variable from within GAMS during runtime?
Thank you very much for you help!
Best regards,
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