gams error

i unsweetened coke /15/
j sweetened coke /1

demand (j) demand for coke
/ 1 1000
2 1500
3 1250
4 1600
5 1350/;

rmCaffeine (i) Caffeine ratio of type I raw material
/ 1 24
2 12
3 16
4 20
5 28/;

rmAcesulfamePotassium (i) Acesulfame Potassium ratio of type I raw material
/ 1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10/;

rmCost (i) Purchase price of raw material type I
/ 1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6/;

Caffein (j) Caffeine grade of type j cola
/ 1 70
2 80
3 60
4 75
5 74/;

AcesulfamePotassium (j) Acesulfame Potassium grade of type j cola
/ 1 20
2 25
3 15
4 12
5 8/;

Salescost (j) Sale price of type j cola.
/ 1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15/;

positive variable x(i,j);

  • i. unsweetened coke j. sweetened coke
    positive variable r(j);
  • j. marketing coke
    variable z;
  • total profit
    scalar f/20/;
    *$1 ad increases demand by 20 units

profit function
supply(j) the constraint established on meeting the demand
Caffein(j) caffeine restriction
AcesulfamePotassium(j) acesulfame potassium restriction;

profit… z=e=sum((i,j), Salescost(j)*x(i,j))-sum(i,j), ((rmCost(i)x(i,j)-r(j))));
supply(j)… sum((i), (x(i,j))) :=1= (demand(j)+(f
Caffein(j)… sum((i), (Caffein(j)*x(i,j))) :=1= sum((i), (rmCaffein(i)*x(i,j)));
AcesulfamePotassium(j)… sum((i), (AcesulfamePotassium(j)*x(i,j))) =1= sum((i), (rmAcesulfamePotassium(i)*x(i,j)));

model newcoke /all/;
solve newcoke using lp maximizing z;
Display Z.L , X.L;

How can I fix errors?? help me please

Please use code blocks to post your codes. Further, please follow the error message to resolve your errors. The error messages are usually informative.

There are many issues with your code.

  1. You are defining Caffein as a parameter as well as equation which is not allowed. You have to rename one of the two.
  2. same error with AcesulfamePotassium
  3. You are using =1= instead of =l=

Please follow GAMS tutorials. Usually making up your own syntax does not work.

  • Atharv