March 13, 2019, 10:16am
Hi, all,
My model is a MISOCP problem. When I used GAMS/CPLEXD to solve the model, the solver returned infeasibility. However, when I fixed my binary decision variables as zero and solved it again using CPLEXD, it did give a feasible solution. Especially, the DICOPT solver could give a feasible solution. So, what happened to the CPLEXD solver?
I am looking forward to your help. Please use the attached code and data file ( because .inc file cannot be uploaded, I copy the data in the text file).
data.txt (95.4 KB)
Untitled_42.gms (6.46 KB)
What version did you use? With the latest GAMS 26.1.0/CPLEXD, Cplex solves the problem even if I remove all variable fixes.
--- Job Untitled_42.gms Start 03/13/19 07:04:46 26.1.0 rf2b37b9 WEX-WEI x86 64bit/MS Windows
GAMS 26.1.0 Copyright (C) 1987-2019 GAMS Development. All rights reserved
--- Starting compilation
--- Untitled_42.gms(5) 2 Mb
--- . data.txt(2400) 3 Mb
--- Untitled_42.gms(225) 3 Mb
--- Starting execution: elapsed 0:00:00.009
--- Untitled_42.gms(2620) 91 Mb
--- Generating MIQCP model MasterProblem
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 96 Mb
--- 12,966 rows 7,230 columns 33,625 non-zeroes
--- 9,580 nl-code 3,832 nl-non-zeroes
--- 374 discrete-columns
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 94 Mb
--- Executing CPLEXD: elapsed 0:00:03.856
IBM ILOG CPLEX 26.1.0 rf2b37b9 Released Feb 02, 2019 WEI x86 64bit/MS Window
--- GAMS/Cplex licensed for continuous and discrete problems.
--- Space for names approximately 0.51 Mb
--- Use option 'names no' to turn use of names off
--- GMO memory 5.54 Mb (peak 5.54 Mb)
--- Dictionary memory 0.00 Mb
--- Cplex link memory 0.39 Mb (peak 1.65 Mb)
--- Starting Cplex...
CPXPARAM_Advance 0
CPXPARAM_Simplex_Limits_Iterations 2000000000
CPXPARAM_TimeLimit 1000
CPXPARAM_Threads 1
CPXPARAM_Parallel 1
CPXPARAM_Tune_TimeLimit 200
CPXPARAM_MIP_Tolerances_AbsMIPGap 0.01
CPXPARAM_MIP_Tolerances_MIPGap 0.01
Tried aggregator 3 times.
MIQCP Presolve eliminated 6207 rows and 1696 columns.
MIQCP Presolve modified 550 coefficients.
Aggregator did 2039 substitutions.
Reduced MIQCP has 7541 rows, 7275 columns, and 24332 nonzeros.
Reduced MIQCP has 336 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Reduced MIQCP has 944 quadratic constraints.
Presolve time = 0.05 sec. (30.58 ticks)
Probing fixed 33 vars, tightened 194 bounds.
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (8.49 ticks)
Clique table members: 920.
MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility.
MIP search method: dynamic search.
Parallel mode: none, using 1 thread.
Iteration log . . .
Iteration: 1 Dual objective = -4085.000000
Perturbation started.
Iteration: 101 Dual objective = -4085.000000
Iteration: 458 Dual objective = -4084.999770
Iteration: 758 Dual objective = -4084.999648
Iteration: 1067 Dual objective = -4084.999521
Iteration: 1384 Dual objective = -4084.999380
Iteration: 1886 Dual objective = -4079.999197
Iteration: 2509 Dual objective = -4079.999071
Iteration: 2824 Dual objective = -4079.998956
Iteration: 3449 Dual objective = -4079.998917
Iteration: 3898 Dual objective = -4079.998862
Iteration: 4118 Dual objective = -4079.998779
Iteration: 4311 Dual objective = -4079.998745
Iteration: 4439 Dual objective = -4079.931458
Iteration: 4521 Dual objective = -4079.931456
Iteration: 4707 Dual objective = -4079.931454
Iteration: 4893 Dual objective = -4079.931452
Iteration: 5093 Dual objective = -4079.931451
Iteration: 5318 Dual objective = -4079.931451
Removing perturbation.
Root relaxation solution time = 0.11 sec. (203.92 ticks)
Nodes Cuts/
Node Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Bound ItCnt Gap
0 0 -4079.9327 0 -4095.0000 5343
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 663 5703
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 1320 6238
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 1978 6708
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 2610 7157
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 3249 7673
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 3835 8164
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 5348 18851
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 5878 19223
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 6417 24312
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 7002 24816
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 7535 27997
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 8060 53260
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 8545 66172
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 9000 66987
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 9355 73959
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 9746 90942
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 10142 113127
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 10509 134636
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 10872 153636
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 11220 174832
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 11573 192985
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 11935 210219
0 0 -4079.9327 6 -4079.9327 210219
* 0+ 0 -4079.9327 -4079.9327 0.00%
Found incumbent of value -4079.932694 after 39.09 sec. (45214.61 ticks)
Cone linearizations applied: 6431
Root node processing (before b&c):
Real time = 39.09 sec. (45215.28 ticks)
Sequential b&c:
Real time = 0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
Total (root+branch&cut) = 39.09 sec. (45215.28 ticks)
MIQCP status(102): integer optimal, tolerance.
Cplex Time: 39.09sec (det. 45215.30 ticks)
Returning a primal only solution to GAMS (marginals all set to NA).
Solution satisfies tolerances.
MIP Solution: -4079.932694 (210219 iterations, 0 nodes)
Best possible: -4079.932695
Absolute gap: 0.000002
Relative gap: 0.000000
--- Restarting execution
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 90 Mb
--- Reading solution for model MasterProblem
*** Solver did not provide marginals for model MasterProblem
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 91 Mb
--- Executing after solve: elapsed 0:00:43.261
--- Untitled_42.gms(2625) 92 Mb
--- Profile Summary (36 records processed)
2.500 0.096GB 2559 Equation RadialNode (89)
0.094 0.093GB 2520 Equation obj (1)
0.093 0.092GB 2625 Display
0.078 0.094GB 2524 Equation ActivePowerBal (948)
0.078 0.094GB 2624 GAMS Fini
0.063 0.094GB 2525 Equation VarPowerBal (948)
0.062 0.095GB 2531 Equation VolDropLine (863)
0.047 0.095GB 2544 Equation ActivePowLimL (863)
0.047 0.095GB 2547 Equation ActivePowLimUs (95)
0.047 0.096GB 2552 Equation VarPowLimUs (95)
*** Status: Normal completion
--- Job Untitled_42.gms Stop 03/13/19 07:05:29 elapsed 0:00:43.350
March 13, 2019, 11:17am
Hi, Fred, thanks for your answers.
I use the old version GAMS 24.5.6. Is the infeasibility issue caused by the old version?
Unfortunately, I don’t have license for the latest GAMS. Then, what am I gonna do?
Kind regards,
What version did you use? With the latest GAMS 26.1.0/CPLEXD, Cplex solves the problem even if I remove all variable fixes.
--- Job Untitled_42.gms Start 03/13/19 07:04:46 26.1.0 rf2b37b9 WEX-WEI x86 64bit/MS Windows
GAMS 26.1.0 Copyright (C) 1987-2019 GAMS Development. All rights reserved
--- Starting compilation
--- Untitled_42.gms(5) 2 Mb
--- . data.txt(2400) 3 Mb
--- Untitled_42.gms(225) 3 Mb
--- Starting execution: elapsed 0:00:00.009
--- Untitled_42.gms(2620) 91 Mb
--- Generating MIQCP model MasterProblem
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 96 Mb
--- 12,966 rows 7,230 columns 33,625 non-zeroes
--- 9,580 nl-code 3,832 nl-non-zeroes
--- 374 discrete-columns
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 94 Mb
--- Executing CPLEXD: elapsed 0:00:03.856
IBM ILOG CPLEX 26.1.0 rf2b37b9 Released Feb 02, 2019 WEI x86 64bit/MS Window
--- GAMS/Cplex licensed for continuous and discrete problems.
--- Space for names approximately 0.51 Mb
--- Use option 'names no' to turn use of names off
--- GMO memory 5.54 Mb (peak 5.54 Mb)
--- Dictionary memory 0.00 Mb
--- Cplex link memory 0.39 Mb (peak 1.65 Mb)
--- Starting Cplex...
CPXPARAM_Advance 0
CPXPARAM_Simplex_Limits_Iterations 2000000000
CPXPARAM_TimeLimit 1000
CPXPARAM_Threads 1
CPXPARAM_Parallel 1
CPXPARAM_Tune_TimeLimit 200
CPXPARAM_MIP_Tolerances_AbsMIPGap 0.01
CPXPARAM_MIP_Tolerances_MIPGap 0.01
Tried aggregator 3 times.
MIQCP Presolve eliminated 6207 rows and 1696 columns.
MIQCP Presolve modified 550 coefficients.
Aggregator did 2039 substitutions.
Reduced MIQCP has 7541 rows, 7275 columns, and 24332 nonzeros.
Reduced MIQCP has 336 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Reduced MIQCP has 944 quadratic constraints.
Presolve time = 0.05 sec. (30.58 ticks)
Probing fixed 33 vars, tightened 194 bounds.
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (8.49 ticks)
Clique table members: 920.
MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility.
MIP search method: dynamic search.
Parallel mode: none, using 1 thread.
Iteration log . . .
Iteration: 1 Dual objective = -4085.000000
Perturbation started.
Iteration: 101 Dual objective = -4085.000000
Iteration: 458 Dual objective = -4084.999770
Iteration: 758 Dual objective = -4084.999648
Iteration: 1067 Dual objective = -4084.999521
Iteration: 1384 Dual objective = -4084.999380
Iteration: 1886 Dual objective = -4079.999197
Iteration: 2509 Dual objective = -4079.999071
Iteration: 2824 Dual objective = -4079.998956
Iteration: 3449 Dual objective = -4079.998917
Iteration: 3898 Dual objective = -4079.998862
Iteration: 4118 Dual objective = -4079.998779
Iteration: 4311 Dual objective = -4079.998745
Iteration: 4439 Dual objective = -4079.931458
Iteration: 4521 Dual objective = -4079.931456
Iteration: 4707 Dual objective = -4079.931454
Iteration: 4893 Dual objective = -4079.931452
Iteration: 5093 Dual objective = -4079.931451
Iteration: 5318 Dual objective = -4079.931451
Removing perturbation.
Root relaxation solution time = 0.11 sec. (203.92 ticks)
Nodes Cuts/
Node Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Bound ItCnt Gap
0 0 -4079.9327 0 -4095.0000 5343
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 663 5703
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 1320 6238
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 1978 6708
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 2610 7157
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 3249 7673
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 3835 8164
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 5348 18851
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 5878 19223
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 6417 24312
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 7002 24816
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 7535 27997
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 8060 53260
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 8545 66172
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 9000 66987
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 9355 73959
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 9746 90942
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 10142 113127
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 10509 134636
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 10872 153636
0 0 -4079.9327 6 Cone: 11220 174832
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 11573 192985
0 0 -4079.9327 0 Cone: 11935 210219
0 0 -4079.9327 6 -4079.9327 210219
* 0+ 0 -4079.9327 -4079.9327 0.00%
Found incumbent of value -4079.932694 after 39.09 sec. (45214.61 ticks)
Cone linearizations applied: 6431
Root node processing (before b&c):
Real time = 39.09 sec. (45215.28 ticks)
Sequential b&c:
Real time = 0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
Total (root+branch&cut) = 39.09 sec. (45215.28 ticks)
MIQCP status(102): integer optimal, tolerance.
Cplex Time: 39.09sec (det. 45215.30 ticks)
Returning a primal only solution to GAMS (marginals all set to NA).
Solution satisfies tolerances.
MIP Solution: -4079.932694 (210219 iterations, 0 nodes)
Best possible: -4079.932695
Absolute gap: 0.000002
Relative gap: 0.000000
--- Restarting execution
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 90 Mb
--- Reading solution for model MasterProblem
*** Solver did not provide marginals for model MasterProblem
--- Untitled_42.gms(2624) 91 Mb
--- Executing after solve: elapsed 0:00:43.261
--- Untitled_42.gms(2625) 92 Mb
--- Profile Summary (36 records processed)
2.500 0.096GB 2559 Equation RadialNode (89)
0.094 0.093GB 2520 Equation obj (1)
0.093 0.092GB 2625 Display
0.078 0.094GB 2524 Equation ActivePowerBal (948)
0.078 0.094GB 2624 GAMS Fini
0.063 0.094GB 2525 Equation VarPowerBal (948)
0.062 0.095GB 2531 Equation VolDropLine (863)
0.047 0.095GB 2544 Equation ActivePowLimL (863)
0.047 0.095GB 2547 Equation ActivePowLimUs (95)
0.047 0.096GB 2552 Equation VarPowLimUs (95)
*** Status: Normal completion
--- Job Untitled_42.gms Stop 03/13/19 07:05:29 elapsed 0:00:43.350
Update! Seriously, there is a great article by ORNinja (Marc-Andre Carle) that makes a case for working with the latest software when doing relevant research, see http://www.thequestforoptimality.com/orms-resolution-2017/ . The Cplex version in 24.5.6 had an issue with the aggregator (not in general but with some numerically challenging models). So turn it off “aggind 0” in a cplexd.opt option file or better fix your numerical issues. Cplex (with datacheck=2 option) gives you some advice about model flaws:
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VarPowerBal(lp936,z51)', variable 'rlp(lp936)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VarPowerBal(lp936,z51)', variable 'X_z(z51)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VarPowerBal(lp944,z51)', variable 'rlp(lp944)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VarPowerBal(lp944,z51)', variable 'X_z(z51)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VolDropLine(lp10,lp12)', variable 'I_s(lp10,lp12)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VolDropLine(lp10,lp13)', variable 'I_s(lp10,lp13)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VolDropLine(lp20,lp23)', variable 'I_s(lp20,lp23)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VolDropLine(lp30,lp34)', variable 'I_s(lp30,lp34)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VolDropLine(lp30,lp35)', variable 'I_s(lp30,lp35)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Detected nonzero <= the maximum value of either CPX_PARAM_EPRHS or CPX_PARAM_EPOPT at constraint 'VolDropLine(lp37,lp38)', variable 'I_s(lp37,lp38)'.
CPLEX Warning 1045: Too many warnings of this type have been detected. All further warnings of this type will be ignored.