Hi All,
I am new to GAMS, I have to solve a DATA RECONCILIATION problem to some chemical engineering example.
My MINLP Optimization Problem is
Min f(x)
Such that,
S_hat = S - SA’PAS
P(ASA’) = I
A is Matrix came from Material Balance of the System
A’ is Transpose of A
S is Co-variance Matrix
P is a Continuous Variable
S_hat is diagonal elements of matrix
I is identity matrix
for example :
A = [1 -1 -1 0;
0 0 1 -1];
can find transpose of A directly in GAMS?
S = [x1s1+y110, 0,0,0 ;
0,x2s2+y210,0,0 ;
0,0,x3s3+y310,0 ;
P = [p11, 0;
By matrix multiplication, can i get constraints for expressions S_hat = S - SA’PAS and P(ASA’) = I.
I would be great help if anyone can help for giving me an idea.
Thanks and Regards
PhD Student
IIT Bombay
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