Hi, I’ve been coding a Two Way supply chain Program for so long. I got to this place that my Objective Function returns a 0 Value with a upper Bound: 0 too.
my question is that is there any way or tool or option that can help me Figure out which Constraint(s) are making the problem to have no feasible area?
it’s a maximization problem and i’ve been using Baron Solver. I will attach my code here.
I really appreciate if anyone can help.
Small-Model03.gms (12.9 KB)
It is wrong to say that it is a problem and that there is no feasible region. You are getting a feasible solution and a proven optimal solution. Now a good way to tackle such problems is based on your understanding of the problem. Do you see some of the quantities that are 0 (and should not be zero)? Do you have penalty terms that drive optimization in such a direction (for example, if a transport cost is too high compared to sales revenue, optimization can tell you that it is best not to transport anything at all). I see a lot of negative terms in the objective function and only one positive term.
However, QKL appears also in the negative term
If the combined coefficient of QKL is negative (and since QKL is a positive variable), the optimal value for this should be 0.
If you remove all negative terms in the objective funciton and just keep sum((k,c1,t,s),pi(s)*(QKL(k,c1,t,s)*prl(c1,t,s))) you get a positive solution. I would suggest checking parameters and tables.
Hope this gives you something to think about your formulation.
- Atharv