It appears “Exit code = 3”, when running Gams. What should I do?
Please guide me.
code.docx (33.4 KB)
First of all, don’t use more than 3 “*” for your comments as errors are shown in the listing as four of them. Searching in your listing for errors is very cumbersome.
If you look for the errors, you will find that you don’t have as many equations as you have variables:
**** Counts do not match
Single equations in unmatched =E= blocks 1013
Unmatched single free variables 980
**** Unmatched free variables = 980
This happens often if the parameters for the data (e.g. an equation for all sectors) has no data for a specific sector, or if you are missing an equation.
Dear Rehger
Thanks a lot
Dear Renger
Thanks a lot