Hi Darhmender
I think that you could do it with a put statement which has loops…
I have not worked with them, but I think that might work…
What I do have done is to export the data sets to access, then cross reference query and finally export it to excel…
Maybe a pivot table in excel might do the trick, but I prefer to use queries than pivot tables…
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From: gamsworld@googlegroups.com [mailto:gamsworld@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of dharmender yadav
Sent: miércoles, 04 de julio de 2012 09:00 p.m.
To: gamsworld@googlegroups.com
Subject: Excel output in Gams
HI All,
I have parameter D(p,k,t) demand of product p in market k in time period t.
and second parameter C(i,p,t) availability of product p at warehouse i in time period t.
Now want to get an output in excel file as for example:
product market demand warehouse1 warehouse 2 … warehouse i
p1 k1 48 10 0 100
Can anybody please share the possible suggestion.
Dharmender Y
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