European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Economic Modeller Positions

Cross posting from GAMS-L by Emanuele Ferrari:

Dear all,

The Unit “Economics of Agriculture” located in Seville (Spain) is part of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. It has 2 job opportunities with the following profiles:

One researcher to contribute to the Integrated policy analysis of African countries

Call ref. 2018-SVQ-D4-FGIV-010873

One researcher to contribute to the National analysis of African countries with CGE

Call ref. 2018-SVQ-D4-FGIV-010874

Candidates with a solid experience in quantitative methods/tools for economic assessments (and with an interest in development economics topics) can find an exciting job involving state of the art research and policy-making. The position offers many possibilities to network and participate in research projects, workshops and meetings.

The contract duration is up to 6 years. The approximate basic gross monthly salary varies from EUR 3,200 to EUR 6,500 (excl. allowances such as 16% in case of expatriation), depending on the grade.

To apply look at:

Deadline is 13/01/2019, 23h59 (Brussels time).