I have ths sets of restrictions:
R3(t,w) (ord(t) gt 0 (ord(t) lt 33 (ord(w) eq 1))).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R4(t,w) (ord(t) gt 33 (ord(t) lt 57 (ord(w) eq 2)))… sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R5(t,w) (ord(t) gt 9 (ord(t) lt 41 (ord(w) eq 3))).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R6(t,w) (ord(t) gt 49 (ord(t) lt 92 (ord(w) eq 4)))… sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
What i’m trying to do is, in for each of them the variable w to take the especifies value (1,2,3,4) however, when I run it, each restriction is considering ALL the values of w. I have tried different ways of writting it with =, after and before the equation, “and” and either solves the problem.
Any suggestion on how to write this is most welcome. Thanks in advance.