Especify a variable value

I have ths sets of restrictions:

R3(t,w) (ord(t) gt 0 (ord(t) lt 33 (ord(w) eq 1))).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w))); R4(t,w) (ord(t) gt 33 (ord(t) lt 57 (ord(w) eq 2)))… sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R5(t,w) (ord(t) gt 9 (ord(t) lt 41 (ord(w) eq 3))).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w))); R6(t,w) (ord(t) gt 49 (ord(t) lt 92 (ord(w) eq 4)))… sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));

What i’m trying to do is, in for each of them the variable w to take the especifies value (1,2,3,4) however, when I run it, each restriction is considering ALL the values of w. I have tried different ways of writting it with =, after and before the equation, “and” and either solves the problem.

Any suggestion on how to write this is most welcome. Thanks in advance.

Hi, perhaps this correct example will help you:

set t /t0*t100/;
set w /w1*w4/;
set j /j1*j10/;
set o /o1*o10/;
variables x,y,z;
equations r3,r4,r5,r6;
equation fobj;

fobj.. z=e=x('j1','t2');
R3(t,w)$(ord(t) gt 0 and ord(t) lt 33 and ord(w) eq 1).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R4(t,w)$(ord(t) gt 33 and ord(t) lt 57 and ord(w) eq 2).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R5(t,w)$(ord(t) gt 9 and ord(t) lt 41 and ord(w) eq 3).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));
R6(t,w)$(ord(t) gt 49 and  ord(t) lt 92 and ord(w) eq 4).. sum(j,x(j,t)) =L= sum(o,(y(o,w)));

model aTest /all/;

solve aTest using lp maximizing z

Good luck!!