Error in creating GDX File from Excel Data

Hello Experts,
I have a 3-dimensional data in Excel, which looks as follows. (Excel is also attached)

I try to import the data from Excel to GAMS by creating a GDX file by the following code.

S 'SupplierS'
K 'Scenarios'
M 'Plants'

q11 (S,K,M) 'Transportation cost from supplier,S to  plant,M under scenario,S'

$onecho > gdxxrw_in.txt
dset=S rng=Sheet1!A2:A10 rdim=1
dset=K rng=Sheet1!B2:B10 rdim=1
dset=M rng=Sheet1!C1:E1 cdim=1
par=q11 rng=Sheet1!A1:E10 rdim=2 cdim1

$CALL GDXXRW.EXE i=data.xlsx o=Try2.gdx @gdxxrw_in.txt
$ife errorlevel<>0 $abort Problems calling GDXXRW
$GDXIN Try2.gdx
$LOAD S,K,M,q11

However, GAMS doesn’t produce the desired results and throw’s the following error.

**** 343  Abort triggered by above statement

What am I doing wrong? Any help will be highly appreciated!

data.xlsx (8.75 KB)

It is worth looking into the lst and log to look for clues for errors. Here is the relevant snippet of the log:

--- call GDXXRW.EXE i=data.xlsx o=Try2.gdx @gdxxrw_in.txt

GDXXRW           25.1.3 r4e34d435fbd Released Oct 30, 2018 VS8 x86 32bit/MS Wi
Input file : C:\tmp\data.xlsx
Output file: C:\tmp\Try2.gdx
**** Unknown option = cdim1
Total time = 921 Ms
--- gdxxrw0815.gms(17) 2 Mb
*** Abort Problems calling GDXXRW

The ****** Unknown option = cdim1** would have pointed you to the typo in line 4 of your gdxxrw_in.txt file par=q11 rng=Sheet1!A1:E10 rdim=2 cdim1. Change this to cdim=1 and everything works fine.

There is some not so well know way to extract the set information from a parameter in GDX via the $load setSym<paramSym.dimN loading (see

Sets S, K, M;
Parameters q11 (S,K,M);

$CALL GDXXRW.EXE i=data.xlsx o=Try2.gdx par=q11 rng=Sheet1!A1:E10 rdim=2 cdim=1
$ife errorlevel<>0 $abort Problems calling GDXXRW
$GDXIN Try2.gdx
$LOAD S<q11.dim1 K<q11.dim2 M<q11.dim3 q11


Dear Bussieck,

Thank you very much for your polite answer with nice explanation.
I am just a beginner in GAMS and will definitely look for the error log file in future for primary resolution.

Thanks a lot!