**** ERROR: CNS models must be square

Hello everyone,

I am running a CGE model and I have encountered this error: " **** ERROR: CNS models must be square. This model contains 22334 equality rows and 22086 unfixed columns"

I am not sure what it means. Could anyone help me understand what it means and potentially give me some hints about what it is causing it?

Thanks in advance!


It may be helpful to have a look at the documentation of model type CNS where it is for example explained that the number of equations equals the number of variables, so we have a square system.

Searching this forum for “CNS models must be square” also gives a useful result to a thread where a similar question has been asked and answered before.

I hope this helps!


Hi Fred,

Thanks a lot! I understand better the error now. However, it is difficult to work out what is causing it in particular as the error is very vague. It does not really tell you which specific columns are unfixed. Anyone knows how to figure that out?


The number of endogenous variables is greater than the number of equations. You have 22334 equations and 22086 endogenous variables. Therefore, the model is not square. You need to release 248 variables so that the number of endogenous variables increases to 22334.



Hi Rodrigue!

Thank you for your response and apologies for the late reply.

What do you mean by “release 248” variables?
