Error: call was rejected by callee while copying excel data into .inc file


I am trying out the following piece of code to copy excel data into a .inc file which can be used later on in my model. The code is as follows

set t time periods /t1*t624/;
set i generators /i1*i731/;
set b generator blocks /b1*b3/;
set s buses /s1*s313/;

*Demand data
parameter netload(t,s)
$call =xls2gms.exe r=Load!A1:LB625 i=PCM_Data_ii.xlsx

When i try and run this I initially get an ‘Error: Call was rejected by callee’ message and the compilation log gives the error message:

Error Messages

282 Unable to open include file

**** 1 ERROR(S) 0 WARNING(S)
GAMS 25.1.1 r66732 Released May 19, 2018 WEX-WEI x86 64bit/MS Windows 05/31/19 13:18:34 Page 3
G e n e r a l A l g e b r a i c M o d e l i n g S y s t e m
Include File Summary


1 1 INPUT 0 0 C:\Users\soummyar\Documents\gamsdir\pr
2 8 CALL 1 8 =xls2gms.exe r=Load!A1:LB625 i=PCM_Dat

COMPILATION TIME = 62.032 SECONDS 3 MB 25.1.1 r66732 WEX-WEI

USER: Small MUD - 5 User License G171204:0625AO-GEN

PCM_Data_ii.xlsx (2.21 MB)

The Excel file you uploaded does not have a sheet called Load. There is a sheet called NetLoadRepDays so if I change the range parameter to r=NetLoadRepDays!A1:LB625 everything works as advertised (on my machine). Have you ever successfully worked with xls2gms? Try test model ReadTrnsportData1 from datalib ( and make sure xls2gms works at all. There are some Office versions out there that don’t work with OLE which is used in many of the GAMS Excel tools.

You should also try gdxxrw which is our preferred tools to read and write Excel data. Here is the code to

*Demand data
parameter netload(t,s)
$call =gdxxrw i=PCM_Data_ii.xlsx o=Netload.gdx par=netload rng=NetLoadRepDays!A1:LB625
$if errorlevel 1 $abort problems reading data from Excel
$gdxin Netload.gdx
$load netload

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