I am trying out the following piece of code to copy excel data into a .inc file which can be used later on in my model. The code is as follows
set t time periods /t1*t624/;
set i generators /i1*i731/;
set b generator blocks /b1*b3/;
set s buses /s1*s313/;
*Demand data
parameter netload(t,s)
$call =xls2gms.exe r=Load!A1:LB625 i=PCM_Data_ii.xlsx o=Netload.inc
$include Netload.inc
When i try and run this I initially get an ‘Error: Call was rejected by callee’ message and the compilation log gives the error message:
Error Messages
282 Unable to open include file
**** 1 ERROR(S) 0 WARNING(S)
GAMS 25.1.1 r66732 Released May 19, 2018 WEX-WEI x86 64bit/MS Windows 05/31/19 13:18:34 Page 3
G e n e r a l A l g e b r a i c M o d e l i n g S y s t e m
Include File Summary
1 1 INPUT 0 0 C:\Users\soummyar\Documents\gamsdir\pr
2 8 CALL 1 8 =xls2gms.exe r=Load!A1:LB625 i=PCM_Dat
a_ii.xlsx o=Netload.inc
COMPILATION TIME = 62.032 SECONDS 3 MB 25.1.1 r66732 WEX-WEI
USER: Small MUD - 5 User License G171204:0625AO-GEN
PCM_Data_ii.xlsx (2.21 MB)