Error 148: Dimension different

Hello Dear Ones!

I am adapting the syntax of the dynamic model proposed by Hosoe, N, Gasawa, K, and Hashimoto, H to an economy with 11 products (i) and two families (fam). When I finished the syntax adaptation I encountered error 148, which returned the following message:

“Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less indices as declared”

But I couldn’t find the error in the model codes. I wonder if someone could help me identify the source of the error. I would be very grateful.

The file with the codes is attached to the message.
modelo.gms (21.2 KB)

You have now the composite consumption (CC) by family. What do you want to maximize? Their sum, the min of the two should be max, … The objective variable needs to be a scalar variable.
