Equal Yield Constraint

Dear all,

I have been running into a problem when trying to implement an equal yield constraint (i.e. keeping public goods provision constant per period) in a standard Ramsey-dynamic CGE model written in MPSGE.

The model runs over the time period from 2020 to 2050. It entails benchmark taxes, Armington trade and sector-specific capital. At the moment, there are 6 sectors: 2 industry sectors, 2 service sectors, one electricity and one fuel sector.

I implemented an equal yield constraint that adjusts the income tax (i.e. the labor tax) in the sectoral production block with the corresponding constraint and initialization of the benchmark variable as follows:
I:PL(t) Q:(fd0(“L”,i)) p:pf0(“L”) A:GOV T:(2*ftax0(“L”)) N:TAU(t) M:(-1)

GVNT(t) =E= QREF(t);

TAU.L(t) = ftax0(“L”);

In simulations (e.g. a 10% increase in the annual fuel tax over the entire time horizon), the resulting labor tax oscillates heavily and in an erratic manner. In other cases, e.g. where the tax is only introduced for a ten-year period in 2030, the solver returns “locally infeasible”. My investment / capital accumulation / terminal condition is modelled as follows:

O:PK(cs,t+1) Q:((1-delta)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
O:PKT$TLAST(t) Q:((1-delta)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
O:RK(cs,t) Q:(KptShare(cs)*VK0)
I:PK(cs,t) Q:(KptShare(cs)*KPT0)

O:PK(cs,t+1) Q:((delta+growth)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
O:PKT$TLAST(t) Q:((delta+growth)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
I:PA(i,t) Q:(KptShare(cs)*I0(i))

sum(t$TLAST(t), sum(cs, Inv(cs,t)*KptShare(cs))/sum(cs,Inv(cs,t-1)*KptShare(cs)) - sum(i, Y(i,t)*y0(i)) /sum(i, Y(i,t-1)*y0(i))) =G= 0;

I have tested a wide range of elements in order to find the problem, such as the following:
• Rearranging the two equations for constraints for TK and TAU, respectively.
• Modelling the weight KptShare(cs) explicitly, as: sum(i$mapcap(i,cs),i0(i)))
• Without the equal yield constraint, the model successfully converges towards the steady-state after the implementation of a wide range of taxes (and also with almost prohibitively high
tax rates).
• Removing the sector-specific capital and tested the equal yield constraint likewise leads to erratic labor tax movements

All of this was unfortunately to no avail and I would be delighted if someone could be of any help, in case you have run into similar problems before. If you need any additional information, please let me know. Many thanks!

Best regards,

It might be the following:
Be aware that TAU is a positive variable, so if TAU has to become negative you run into problems.
I usually have two constraints: If GVNT(t) =G= QREF(t) and QREF(t) =G= GVNT(t); with corresponding variables TAU_N and TAU_P (if government income is too big, you should have a subsidy, if it is too small, TAU should work as a tax).
See if that helps

PS. Better copy lots of code using the code button in the editor </>.

Dear Renger,

Thank your for your suggestions. Unfortunately, it did not solve the problem. Firstly, with your suggestions, the model did only find solutions that were locally unfeasible.

Secondly, by modelling the equal yield as shown below (e.g. the artifical sevenfold increase of the benchmark tax), I already tried to ensure that TAU never drops below zero in the first place.

I:PL(t)                           Q:(fd0("L",i)) p:pf0("L") A:GOV T:(7*ftax0("L")) A:GOV N:TAU_P(t) M:(-1) b:

         GVNT(t) =E= QREF(t);
TAU_P.L(t) = (6*ftax0("L"));

The resulting TAU then nonetheless oscillates around ±100% of the initial benchmark tax rate, while staying above zero. Also, the problem persists even if the simulated tax increases are marginal and therefore only a small adjustment of the labor tax would be expected.


Hi Michael
Then there must be another problem in your model.
Did you test the steady state benchmark with iteration limit to zero? Can you solve the model with doubling of the numeraire?

Dear Renger,

I have tested both the steady-state benchmark with zero iterations and the doubling my numeraire PW.FX. For the steady-state benchmark, i only get very small marginals (i.e. the largest is E^-5, which is due to the data in my SAM) and when doubling my numeraire, there are no changes in the results.

But i have also tested my model with a dummy SAM to rule out any numerical issues and the problem with the equal yield unforunately persists.


perhaps you could send the model and I have a look at it (be sure I can run it).

Thank you very much for the offer, that would be really helpful!

Please find enclosed my model.

Many thanks!


$title The Swiss Energy Efficiency Model

*HIND: Industry sectors with high energy intensity; LIND:Industry sectors with low energy intensity
*HSERV. Service sectors with high energy intensity; LSERV: Service sector with low energy intensity
*FUEL: Fossil fuel industries; ELEC: Electricity sector

k(i) Energy /FUEL,ELEC/
f Production Factors /K,L/
cs Sector-specific factors /KIND, KSERV, KFUEL, KELEC/

* Mapping


alias (f,ff), (i,j);

t Time steps /2020*2065/,

TFIRST(t) = YES$(ORD(t) EQ 1);
TLAST(t) = YES$(ORD(t) EQ CARD(t));

TABLE bench(*,*)

                 HIND            LIND            HSERV           LSERV
HIND             59.23419        -29.81713       -2.57553        -13.49623
LIND             -7.67203        235.00213       -1.90075        -45.42064
HSERV            -1.21808        -3.45084        33.02471        -9.44084
LSERV            -15.63673       -56.48394       -6.79712        578.30794
ELEC             -2.15874        -1.90648        -0.37969        -5.87905
FUEL             -1.14917        -1.01936        -2.45818        -1.79610
K                -11.85776       -47.31392       -5.04610        -177.18843
TK               -1.11810        -4.46136        -0.47581        -16.70760
L                -13.73835       -71.29060       -9.04651        -239.63013
TL               -3.48623        -18.09063       -2.29563        -60.80830
NCT              -0.49997        -0.54780        -0.55411        -6.84808
TFUEL            -0.69902        -0.62006        -1.49527        -1.09254

+                ELEC            FUEL            W               I
HIND             -0.85584        -0.03367        -37.24376       -1.85128
LIND             -2.65938        -0.06910        -25.28674       -109.01158
HSERV            -0.49742        -0.21741        -14.40306       -0.39454
LSERV            -4.52560        -0.27941        -243.61873      -61.50180
ELEC             19.27032        -0.01933        -7.89152
FUEL             -0.15647         1.98113        -7.56294
W                                                 767.19828
K                -4.75650        -0.63615
TK               -0.44850        -0.05998
L                -4.20769        -0.52926         -253.83190
TL               -1.06774        -0.13430
NCT               0.00000        -0.00251
TFUEL            -0.09518         0.00000         -4.60042
SAV                                              -172.75920       172.75920

+                G               X               IM              CONS            GOV
HIND                             -52.24324        78.88249
LIND                             -174.17456       131.19266
HSERV            -0.04482        -11.58594        8.22825
LSERV            -126.16434      -141.87050       78.57024
ELEC                             -4.24248         3.20697
FUEL                             -0.50436         12.66546
W                                                                -767.19828
G                126.20916                                                       -126.20916
K                                                                 246.79885
TK                                                                                23.27136
L                                                                 592.27444
TL                                                                                85.88283
NCT                                                                               8.45247
TFUEL                                                                             8.60249
PFX                              384.62109       -312.74607                      -71.87502

display bench


growth           Growth Rate             /0.02/
delta            Depreciation Rate       /0.05/
rate             interest rate           /0.05/
VK0              Benchmark Capital Earnings
KPT0             Benchmark Capital Stock
RK0              Benchmark Return to Capital
BOP              Net Balance Payments (Exports-Imports)
Inv0             Benchmark Investment


y0(i)            Benchmark production
yd0(j,i)         Benchmark intermediate demand
im0(i)           Benchmark imports
x0(i)            Benchmark exports
fd0(f,i)         Benchmark factor demand
cd0(i)           Benchmark consumer demand
e0(f)            Benchmark factor endowments
q0(i)            Benchmark Armington composite good
ls0(f)           Benchmark leisure endowment
c0               Benchmark aggregate consumption
gd0(i)           Benchmark government demand
g0               Benchmark public goods provision
i0(i)            Benchmark investment
ftax0(f)         Benchmark factor tax rate on a net basis
pf0(f)           Benchmark gross factor price
ftax(f)          Factor tax rate on a net basis
fftax0(i)        Benchmark fuel tax rate on a net basis
pfuel0(i)        Benchmark gross fuel price
fftax(i,t)       Fuel tax rate on a net basis
nctax0(i)        Benchmark net commodity tax rate on a gross basis
pnctax0(i)       Benchmark net factor price
nctax(i)         Net commodity tax rate on gross basis
energyflag(i)    Flag for energy use
elecflag(i)      Flag for electricity
fuelflag(i)      Flag for fuel use
HicksTC(i,j,t)   Hicksian Technological Change
QREF(t)          Reference quantity path
PREF(t)          Reference price path
results(*,t)     Parameter to store results
labprod(t)       Labour Productivity factor
KptShare(cs)     Benchmark Capital share

* Extract the benchmark table
y0(i)            = bench(i,i);
yd0(j,i)         = max(-bench(j,i),0);
fd0(f,i)         = -bench(f,i);
cd0(i)           = -bench(i,"W");
ls0("L")         = -bench("L","W");
e0(f)            = bench(f,"CONS");
gd0(i)           = -bench(i,"G");
i0(i)            = -bench(i,"I");
g0               = bench("G","G");
im0(i)           = bench(i,"IM");
x0(i)            = -bench(i,"X");
q0(i)            = sum(j, yd0(i,j)) + gd0(i) + cd0(i) + i0(i);
BOP              = bench("PFX","CONS");

*Benchmark tax rates

*Capital and income tax
ftax0("L")       = bench("TL","LSERV") / bench("L","LSERV");
ftax0("K")       = bench("TK","LSERV") / bench("K","LSERV");
pf0(f)           = 1 + ftax0(f);
ftax(f)          = ftax0(f);

*Fossil Fuel tax
fftax0("FUEL")   = bench("TFUEL","LSERV") / bench("FUEL","LSERV");
pfuel0(i)        = 1 + fftax0(i);
fftax(i,t)       = fftax0(i);

*Remaining net commodity tax
nctax0(i)        = -bench("NCT",i) / (y0(i)-x0(i));
pnctax0(i)       = 1 - nctax0(i);
nctax(i)         = nctax0(i);

* Various defintions
energyflag(k)        = 1;
elecflag("ELEC")     = 1;
fuelflag("FUEL")     = 1;
HicksTC(i,j,t)       = 1;
labprod(t)           = 1;

* Benchmark consumption
c0                   = (sum(i, cd0(i)*(1+fftax0(i))) +sum(f, ls0(f)));

*Dynamic Investment and savings
QREF(t)              = (1 + Growth) ** (ORD(t) -1);
PREF(t)              = (1/(1 + Rate)) ** (ORD(t) -1 );
VK0                  = bench("K","CONS");
RK0                  = (delta + rate);
KPT0                 = VK0 / RK0;
Inv0                 = (delta + growth) * KPT0;

*Reference Quantities

KptShare(cs) = (sum(i$mapcap(i,cs), fd0("K",i))/VK0) ;

Display y0, yd0, fd0, cd0, e0, c0, gd0, g0, ls0, ftax, pf0, q0, fftax, pfuel0,
energyflag, HicksTC, QREF, PREF, VK0, Inv0, RK0, I0, nctax, pnctax0, KptShare;


         Y(i,t)          !  Activity index for production sectors
         A(i,t)          !  Activity index for Armington composite good
         C(t)            !  Activity index for consumption
         W               !  Intertemporal welfare accumulation
         GVNT(t)         !  Activity index for Government
         Kpt(cs,t)       !  Capital Accumulation
         Inv(cs,t)       !  Investment Sector

         PY(i,t)         !  Price index for commodities
         PA(i,t)         !  Price index for composite good
         PL(t)           !  Price index for labor
         PK(cs,t)        !  Price index for capital
         RK(cs,t)        !  Rental rate for capital
         PFX(t)          !  Foreign exchange
         PC(t)           !  Price index for consumption
         PW              !  Price index for intertemporal welfare
         PG(t)           !  Price index for public good
         PKT             !  Post-terminal capital constraint

         CONS            !  Consumer income level
         GOV             !  Public good provision

         TK              !  Terminal Capital Stock
         TAU_P(t)        !  Positive Endogenous labor tax rate for equal yield mechanism

$PROD:Y(i,t) t:2 s:0.5 a:0 b:0.5 c(b):0.5 d(c):0.5
         O:PY(i,t)                         Q:(y0(i)-x0(i))  p:pnctax0(i) A:GOV T:nctax(i)
         O:PFX(t)                          Q:x0(i)
         I:PA(j,t)$(not energyflag(j))     Q:(yd0(j,i)/HicksTC(j,i,t))   a:
         I:PL(t)                           Q:(fd0("L",i)/labprod(t)) p:pf0("L") A:GOV T:(2*ftax0("L")) A:GOV N:TAU_P(t) M:(-1) b:
         I:RK(cs,t)$mapcap(i,cs)           Q:fd0("K",i) p:pf0("K") A:GOV T:ftax("K") c:
         I:PA(j,t)$elecflag(j)             Q:(yd0(j,i)/HicksTC(j,i,t))  d:
         I:PA(j,t)$fuelflag(j)             Q:(yd0(j,i)/HicksTC(j,i,t))  p:pfuel0(j) A:GOV T:fftax(j,t)  d:

$PROD:A(i,t) s:2
         O:PA(i,t)                         Q:q0(i)
         I:PY(i,t)                         Q:(y0(i) - x0(i))
         I:PFX(t)                          Q:im0(i)

         O:PK(cs,t+1)                      Q:((1-delta)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
         O:PKT$TLAST(t)                    Q:((1-delta)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
         O:RK(cs,t)                        Q:(KptShare(cs)*VK0)
         I:PK(cs,t)                        Q:(KptShare(cs)*KPT0)

         O:PK(cs,t+1)                      Q:((delta+growth)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
         O:PKT$TLAST(t)                    Q:((delta+growth)*KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
         I:PA(i,t)                         Q:(KptShare(cs)*I0(i))

$PROD:C(t)  s:1
         O:PC(t)                           Q:c0
         I:PA(i,t)                         Q:cd0(i)  p:pfuel0(i)  A:GOV T:fftax(i,t)
         I:PL(t)                           Q:ls0("L")

         O:PG(t)                           Q:g0
         I:PA(i,t)                         Q:gd0(i)

$PROD:W  s:0.5
         O:PW                              Q:(sum(t, QREF(t)*PREF(t)*c0))
         I:PC(t)                           Q:(c0*QREF(t)) P:PREF(t)

         D:PW                              Q:(sum(t, QREF(t)*PREF(t)*c0))
         E:PL(t)                           Q:(e0("L")*QREF(t))
         E:PK(cs,TFIRST)                   Q:(KptShare(cs)*KPT0)
         E:PFX(t)                          Q:(BOP*QREF(t))
         E:PKT                             Q: -1   R:TK

         D:PG(t)                           Q:(g0*QREF(t))

         sum(t$TLAST(t), sum(cs, Inv(cs,t)*KptShare(cs))/sum(cs,Inv(cs,t-1)*KptShare(cs)) - sum(i, Y(i,t)*y0(i)) /sum(i, Y(i,t-1)*y0(i))) =G= 0;

         GVNT(t) =E= QREF(t);

         V:HEV(t)                  O:PC(t)               PROD:C(t)
         V:Welfare                 O:PW                  PROD:W
         V:Consumption(i,t)        I:PA(i,t)             PROD:C(t)
         V:DomesticUse(i,t)        O:PA(i,t)             PROD:A(i,t)
         V:FuelUse(i,t)            I:PA("FUEL",t)        PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:ElectricityUse(i,t)     I:PA("ELEC",t)        Prod:Y(i,t)
         V:HServiceUse(i,t)        I:PA("HSERV",t)       PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:HIndustryUse(i,t)       I:PA("HIND",t)        PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:LServiceUse(i,t)        I:PA("LSERV",t)       PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:LIndustryUse(i,t)       I:PA("LIND",t)        PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:GovernmentUse(i,t)      I:PA(i,t)             PROD:GVNT(t)
         V:LaborUse(i,t)           I:PL(t)               PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:Leisure(t)              I:PL(t)               PROD:C(t)
         V:Imports(i,t)            I:PFX(t)              PROD:A(i,t)
         V:Exports(i,t)            O:PFX(t)              PROD:Y(i,t)
         V:CapitalUse(cs,i,t)      I:RK(cs,t)            PROD:Y(i,t)t)
         V:Investment(cs,i,t)      I:PA(i,t)             PROD:Inv(cs,t)


*Benchmark Replication Check

Y.L(i,t)         = QREF(T);
A.L(i,t)         = QREF(T);
C.L(t)           = QREF(T);
GVNT.L(t)        = QREF(T);
Inv.L(cs,t)      = QREF(T);
Kpt.L(cs,t)      = QREF(T);
TK.L             = Kpt0 * (1+ Growth) ** CARD(t);

PY.L(i,t)        = PREF(t);
PA.L(i,t)        = PREF(t);
PFX.L(t)         = PREF(t);
PL.L(t)          = PREF(t);
PK.L(cs,t)       = (1 + Rate) * PREF(t);
PC.L(t)          = PREF(t);
PG.L(t)          = PREF(t);
RK.L(cs,T)       = PREF(t);
PKT.L            = Sum(TLAST, PK.L("KIND",TLAST)/(1+Rate));
PW.FX            = 1;

W.L      = 1;
CONS.L  = 1;
GOV.L    = g0;

TAU_P.L(t) = (ftax0("L"));


$include VECTOR.gen


Hi Renger

Thank you for your offer. That would be very helpful! Would it be possible to send the model to you by email?
