I’m wondering if it’s possible to have sets with ranges according to other sets, just like the Element Parameter object in AIMMS (http://www.aimms.com/aimms/download/manuals/aimms3lr_setelementstringexpressions.pdf).
For example, I’d like to do something like this (it doesn’t compile, but that’s the idea):
I /1*3/
P /a,b,c/
IP(‘2’,‘b’) = ‘a’;
Note that the range of set IP is the set P. In AIMMS, I’d create an Element Parameter object called IP with the range of set P. Ultimately, I’d like to do the following (an example):
sum(I, prod(P, z(I,IP(I,P))))
where z is a variable whose domain is (I,P), but notice that I indexed the second element using the “element parameter”, which returns an element of the set P.
Can this be done in GAMS?
Thank you.
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