Domain Violation with LOADDC fo Multiregional IO Table

I have problem to handle domain vilations when I want to import an excel IO Table in GAMS. The code is working but when I load the date in the created parameter, it shows tha all value are zero… Why do I have this domain problem given my previouse code? (Take in mind that I have two columns and two rows as sets since I have an input output table !!!


*Mapping all COLUMN labels to each country (Before aggregation)

SET ColAreaLAB(ColLAB,counterpartAREA) Column labels by Country
display ColAreaLAB;

*Mapping all Sector ROW labels to each country (Before aggregation)

SET RowAreaLAB(RowLAB,refAREA) Row Labels for sector by Country
display RowAreaLAB;

PARAMETER data(TotalLAB1,refAREA1,TotalLAB2,refAREA2);

$CALL GDXXRW i=GAMS_MRIO_Dataset.xlsx o=GAMS_MARIO.gdx par=data rng=Sheet1!A1 Cdim=2 Rdim=2 trace= 3

$gdxin GAMS_MARIO.gdx
$LOADDC data

display data;

I suggest that you inspect the GDX after gdxxrw has created it (in Studio or from the command line via gdxdump). Now see if the labels in the index positions match the ones from the sets TotalLAB1/2 and refAREA1/2. Do you get all 0 for data or an actual GAMS compilation error? If you are stuck, please provide more (the GAMS model and the Excel workbook) so there is a chance to help.
