it is very annoying that even though A(t4) exist, the constrains of Eq(t3) is always become:
0-A(t3) =E= 1;
How can I deal with such situation?
Please tell me the solutions of following two cases:
(1) To make Eq(t3) as “A(t4)-A(t3) =E= 1”;
(2) To exclude Eq(t3);
Thanks very much for your help.
According to that post
I can modify the equation as follow:
Eq1(t) $ (ord(t) ne card(t)) … A(t+1)-A(t) =E= 1;
It works as that it excluded Eq1(t3);
However, what if I what to introduce A(t4) into Eq1(t3) instead of excluding it without expanding the domain, as I mention in Case (1)?
Be noted that A(t4) is also variables but not in the domain of t.