Dear all,
I need to declare in gams a set like the following:
where set_dimension is a given in integer scalar. How can I do?
Thanks in advance. Best regards,
Dear all,
I need to declare in gams a set like the following:
where set_dimension is a given in integer scalar. How can I do?
Thanks in advance. Best regards,
Hi Luca
You can set a local (or global) variable using $setlocal ($setglobal):
$if not setlocal setend $setlocal setend 10
set test /1* %setend%/;
display test;
* If you want to use the end of the set as a scalar you can also use %setend%
parameter test1;
test1 = %setend%;
display test1;
You can now run your model from the command line or in the gamside as follows
gams mymodel --setend 20
and it will use 20 instead of 10 (therefore, I use $if not setlocal …, so I can run the model without specifiying setend using the option --setend n).
More on the difference between local and global variables can be found here:
Hope this helps
You can even use the value of a scalar with a data statement to do this:
Scalar test1 / 10 /;
$eval TEST1 test1
set test / 1*%TEST1% /
This gives you set elements 110. You cannot use the value of test1 after it has been assigned during execution (before the set declaration happens before the execution, see So the following still, gives you set elements 110, not 1*20.
Scalar test1 / 10 /;
test1 = test1 * 2;
$eval TEST1 test1
set test / 1*%TEST1% /
Renger’s method allows you to change the test1 from the command line. But the --setend=n creates a scoped (neither local nor global, see for details) compile time variable, so the check inside GAMS should use set, not setLocal:
$if not set setend $set setend 10
set test /1* %setend%/;
display test;
* If you want to use the end of the set as a scalar you can also use %setend%
parameter test1;
test1 = %setend%;
display test1;
Thanks very much. But I have another problem. I would like to assign the dimension of the set throut a computation depending from another variable. Something like this:
$if not setlocal output $setlocal local_var 10
scalar local_val_2 ;
local_val_2 = %local_var% * 10 ;
j a set /1*%local_var_2%/
Thanks again,
You can’t. If you read what Renger and I wrote you will understand the reasons. What users often do in such a situation is to a) estimate the size of the set and build a super set and then b) use a dynamic set with the actual size:
set super / 1*10000 /;
scalar num;
num = uniformInt(1,card(super));
set dyn(super); dyn(super) = ord(super)<=num;
display dyn;