Hello every body
I want to define a set which its components are indices of some variables. Set of components i and j which x(i,j)=1. Let me define it with an example: Suppose we have x(1,2)=1,x(3,4)=0,x(2,4)=1
I want a set which its components are indices of x variables which are equal to 1. Here x(1,2) and x(2,4) are equal to 1 so the set I’m looking for should contain 1,2 and 4. How can a set be defined in GAMS which yields such result?
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set i /1,2,3,4/
parameters x(i,ii)
x(‘1’,‘2’) = 1;
x(‘3’,‘4’) = 0;
x(‘2’,‘4’) = 1;
k(i) = yes$(sum(ii, x(i,ii)) >= 1 or sum(ii, x(ii,i)) >= 1);
display k;
On Monday, August 6, 2012 6:07:23 AM UTC-5, /\ l_ ! wrote:
Hello every body
I want to define a set which its components are indices of some variables. Set of components i and j which x(i,j)=1. Let me define it with an example: Suppose we have x(1,2)=1,x(3,4)=0,x(2,4)=1
I want a set which its components are indices of x variables which are equal to 1. Here x(1,2) and x(2,4) are equal to 1 so the set I’m looking for should contain 1,2 and 4. How can a set be defined in GAMS which yields such result?
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/gamsworld/-/w5xd8-eq5zoJ.
To post to this group, send email to gamsworld@googlegroups.com.
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