Hey everyone,
I am running a GAMS code from my python script. The GAMS code contains a cplex.opt file to adjust the CPLEX parameters when the GAMS code is running. However, when I run the python code, the CPLEX WORKDIR is for some reason the temporary files in windows. I’ve tried explicitly changing the option file directory with ‘Optdir’ property in Python yet to no avail, the GAMS code gives me the following error :
*** Error Cannot open parameter file “C:\Users.…\AppData\Local\Temp\tmps5srmhnw\cplex.opt”
*** Error Error code = 2; No such file or directory
I’ve also tried specfiying the workdirectory from the terminal by using the ‘InteractiveSolver’ property in python but also doesn’t seen to work.
Since temp folders are random, I can’t ofcourse place my cplex.opt file in these folder since it’s always changing.
Any help would be more than welcome