Dear friends,
I have a multidimensional parameter with 4 sets and 1 value into a gdx file.
I would like to know how many rows do I have per each set r1,p1,r2 or p2.
The problem is that the file is too large and I cannot open the gdxviewer, and I don’t know the different elements that I have in each set.
So, I’m looking for this kind of information (in the image is the sample):
for r1: a1 2, a2 1
for p1: xa0 2, xa2 1
for r2: a2 2, a1 1
for p2: yt5 1, yt3 1, yt1 1.
Maybe you can help me.
Thank you and all the best,
This is easily achieved by the projection operator accessible via the option statement. See https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/UG_OptionStatement.html#UG_OptionStatement_ProjectionAndAggregation for details. Here is the code for your example:
set r1,p1,r2,p2;
parameter d(r1<,p1<,r2<,p2<) /
a1.xa0.a2.yt5 6
a1.xa0.a2.yt3 5
a2.xa2.a1.yt1 7
parameter cnt_r1(r1), cnt_p1(p1), cnt_r2(r2), cnt_p2(p2);
option cnt_r1<d, cnt_p1<d, cnt_r2<d, cnt_p2<d;
display cnt_r1, cnt_p1, cnt_r2, cnt_p2;
which results in the following display:
---- 12 PARAMETER cnt_r1
a1 2.000, a2 1.000
---- 12 PARAMETER cnt_p1
xa0 2.000, xa2 1.000
---- 12 PARAMETER cnt_r2
a1 1.000, a2 2.000
---- 12 PARAMETER cnt_p2
yt5 1.000, yt3 1.000, yt1 1.000