I was trying to run a fairly large MIP on my university’s linux cluster and I keep running into the following error:
‘Error: Could not spawn gamscmex rc=1’. I have attached a screenshot as well.
Any ideas on what might be causing this error would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe you are running short of memory? How much RAM does the machine have? The log shows that 76+GB are allocated just to generate the model.
Fred’s comment on running out of memory points to one likely cause. But if that’s the case then GAMS should be giving you some sort of message and a cleaner exit. The output you have sent makes me suspect it could be some other sort of limit hit internally - we should be detecting and handling this more cleanly.
Any chance you can send this example in reproducible form to support@gams.com? If so, we can have a look at it more closely.
Hello Fred and dirkse,
Thank you for your inputs.
I have sent an email to GAMS support with my model and gdx files.
The model formulation is definitely rudimentary and could be a reason why the memory requirements are so overwhelming. However the ‘rc=1’ bit worries me. According to the docs rc=1 means that “Solver is to be called, the system should never return this number”.
I have been trying to run it on a linux server with 252 GB memory with 40 cores each with a specification shown below.