Could not load shared library C:\GAMS\42\gmdcclib64.dll: Windows error


I created a virtual env with python -m venv and install gams api. i obtained this exception:

gams.control.workspace.GamsException: Could not load shared library C:\GAMS\42\gmdcclib64.dll: Windows error

Make sure the mentioned file is actually there. gmdcclib64.dll has some dependencies that should all be resolved by libraries that come with GAMS. Try running a simple model from GAMS with its own version of Python (don’t set the GMSPYTHONLIB environment variables), e.g. “datalib embeddedSplit && gams embeddedSplit”. If that works, then your Python version loads some incompatible DLLs before loading gmd. Note sure what to do in this case. If it doesn’t run then your system is missing some essential system libraries. GAMS comes with some extra run-time libraries sometimes needed. You find the installer in C:\gams\42\studio\vc_redist.x64.exe. Installl these and retry. If this still doesn’t help (running embeddedSplit) you can use to inspect the DLL and see what libraries are still missing from your system.


Thank you for the reply. I solved the problem using the conda instead the python -m env. Apparently, the API only works if you create the environment with conda.

Don’t know if GAMS API is retricted if the enviroment doesn’t built with conda

GAMS API is not limited to Conda. But Conda might have resolved your system library issues. -Michael