Conic constraint in GAMS

Hi experts!

I just ran into some problems for writing conic constraints in GAMS. I was trying to test the second-order cone programming (SOCP) duality by the following problem from the Stanford course:

min 2 * x1 + x2 + x3
s.t. x1 + x2 + x3 = 1
sqr(x1) =g= sqr(x2) + sqr(x3)

And the dual of this SOCP is

max y
s.t. y + s1 = 2
y + s2 = 1
y + s3 = 1
sqr(s1) =g= sqr(s2) + sqr(s3)

Seems simple right? Here is the code I wrote for the two programs, and I used Mosek as the solver.

free variable
         x1, x2, x3;

free variable
         y, obj, obj2;


eq1..            obj =e= 2 * x1 + x2 + x3;
eq2..            x1 + x2 + x3 =e= 1;
eq3..            sqr(x1) =g= sqr(x2) + sqr(x3);

option qcp = mosek;

model test /eq1, eq2, eq3/;

solve test using qcp minimizing obj;

free variable
         s1, s2, s3;


eq4..            obj2 =e= y;
eq5..            y + s1 =e= 2;
eq6..            y + s2 =e= 1;
eq7..            y + s3 =e= 1;
eq8..            sqr(s1) =g= sqr(s2) + sqr(s3);

model test2 /eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8/;

solve test2 using qcp maximizing obj2;

If you try this code, Mosek will give you a piece of information saying that

Return code - 1293 [MSK_RES_ERR_CON_Q_NOT_PSD]: The quadratic constraint matrix is not PSD

Here PSD denotes positive semi-definite. But what? I believe the coefficient matrices in my eq3 and eq8 are PSD!

However, when I changed the notation of eq3 and eq8 to:

eq3..            x1 =c= x2 + x3;


eq8..            s1 =c= s2 + s3;

They now run correctly! And they both give the correct optimal solution of square root 2, which supports the strong duality.

Then I moved to Gurobi and Cplex, then found that the =c= operator is only valid in Mosek. But I still heard that Gurobi and Cplex CAN solve SOCP problems. So my question is, how can I code correctly by using =g= instead of =c= for a SOCP problem?

Thanks in advance! :smiley:



with recent versions you should get a message like this from Mosek:

The constraint ‘eq8’(3) is not convex. Q should be negative semidefinite for a constraint with finite lower bound. (1294)

Setting non-negative lower bounds on x1 and s1 resolves the problem.

free variable
         x1, x2, x3;

x1.lo = 0;
free variable
         y, obj, obj2;


eq1..            obj =e= 2 * x1 + x2 + x3;
eq2..            x1 + x2 + x3 =e= 1;
eq3..            sqr(x1) =g= sqr(x2) + sqr(x3);

model test /eq1, eq2, eq3/;

option qcp = mosek;  solve test using qcp minimizing obj;
option qcp = cplexd; solve test using qcp minimizing obj;
option qcp = gurobi; solve test using qcp minimizing obj;

free variable
         s1, s2, s3;
s1.lo = 0

eq4..            obj2 =e= y;
eq5..            y + s1 =e= 2;
eq6..            y + s2 =e= 1;
eq7..            y + s3 =e= 1;
eq8..            sqr(s1) =g= sqr(s2) + sqr(s3);

model test2 /eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8/;

option qcp = mosek;  solve test2 using qcp maximizing obj2;
option qcp = cplexd; solve test2 using qcp maximizing obj2;
option qcp = gurobi; solve test2 using qcp maximizing obj2;

I hope this helps!


Thanks Fred for your reply! Yes you are right. If we put a non-negative lower bound everything works fine, and that is how a convex cone works. It is just a little bit confusing that MOSEK still works and does not report any non-convexity if we do NOT set this non-negative lower bound, and it seems like it set the lower bound intrinsically. Gurobi and CPLEXD, however, need this lower bound to be set manually to let solvers work.


For example, see the following strong duality demo for a rotated conic programming:

variable x1, x2, x3, x4, obj;

         objec, e1, e2, e3, e4;

option qcp = mosek;

objec..          obj =e= 2*x1 + x2 + x3 - 3*x4;
e1..             x1 =l= 7;
e2..             2*x1 + x3 - x2 + 0.5*x4 =e= 4;
e3..             x1 + x2 - 2*x4 =l= 15;
e4..             x1 + x2 =c= x3 + x4;

model test /all/;

solve test using qcp minimizing obj;

variable obj2, y1, y2, z1, z2, z3, z4;

positive variable y1, y3;

         objec2, ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4, ee5;

objec2..         obj2 =e= - 7 * y1 + 4 * y2 - 15 * y3;
ee1..            2 + y1 - 2 * y2 + y3 - z1 =g= 0;
ee2..            1 + y2 + y3 - z2 =g= 0;
ee3..            1 - y2 - z3 =e= 0;
ee5..            -3 - 0.5*y2 - 2*y3 - z4 =e= 0;
ee4..            z1 + z2 =c= z3 + z4;

model test2 /objec2, ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4, ee5/;

solve test2 using qcp maximizing obj2;

We do not need to set the non-negative bound for x1, x2, and z1, z2, when MOSEK still works well with the =C= operator.


When using the =c= interface the cone is given explicitly including the non-negativity constraints. When you write as a quadratic program, MOSEK will try to recognize the cone, but if the bounds are not right than it refuses to do so.
