$condition, dynamic sets and sum

Hi everyone!

I have a problem in a summation where I need to include a $conditional

i units / 0000139357 /
k classes / 01
86 /
is(i) Selected unit
ks(k) Selected class
m inputs & outputs / I01I86, IC, IL, 0186 /
x(m) reallocable inputs / I01I86, IC, IL /
y(m) outputs / 01
86 /
r(y) class specific output

Table dataki(k,i,m)
$include mioan.csv

Parameter dataik(i,k,m); option dataikks
(in the sum over y). I have not even been able to sum where y=ks (I
could reformulate the equation if it is the only solution). I have
tried to use an $condition and a dynamic set (r) but I can not assign
r(y)=ks(k) in the loop. I have tried also:

sum(y$(y ne ks), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$(y ne ks(k)), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$ord(y), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$(y=ks), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$r(y), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y))) r(y)=ks in
the loop

Every thingh reports different errors.

Any clue?

Thank you in advance.





There are different ways of doing this in GAMS. You cannot directly
compare set elements with the relation operators. You could do the

  1. sum(y$(y.uel ks.uel),
  2. sum(y$(y.pos ks.pos),
  3. sum(y$(not sameas(y,ks)),

All three methods are described in the Bruce McCarl’s Extended User’s
Guide. I prefer the first solution.

Hope this helps,
Michael Bussieck - GAMS World Coordinator

On Aug 6, 3:12 pm, Antonio wrote:

Hi everyone!

I have a problem in a summation where I need to include a $conditional

i units / 0000139357 /
k classes / 01
86 /
is(i) Selected unit
ks(k) Selected class
m inputs & outputs / I01I86, IC, IL, 0186 /
x(m) reallocable inputs / I01I86, IC, IL /
y(m) outputs / 01
86 /
r(y) class specific output

Table dataki(k,i,m)
$include mioan.csv

Parameter dataik(i,k,m); option dataik > display dataik;

Positive variables
wk4(x) x weights for each class
pk4(y) y weights for each class

Variable objik objective value for each unit of each firm (eq.2)
objk objective value for each class (eq.4)


objeqk(ks)… objk =e= sum(x, wk4(x)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,x)))-sum(y,
pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)));

kk(k) = yes;
ks(k) = no;

ks(kk) = yes;
solve Eq4 us lp min objk;

The model works, but now I need to sum only the elements where yks
(in the sum over y). I have not even been able to sum where y=ks (I
could reformulate the equation if it is the only solution). I have
tried to use an $condition and a dynamic set (r) but I can not assign
r(y)=ks(k) in the loop. I have tried also:

sum(y$(y ne ks), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$(y ne ks(k)), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$ord(y), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$(y=ks), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y)))
sum(y$r(y), pk4(y)*sum(i, dataik(i,ks,y))) r(y)=ks in
the loop

Every thingh reports different errors.

Any clue?

Thank you in advance.


