I’m using epsilon constraint method to solve three objective functions. The code runs fine but it stops randomly halfway through execution. I am wondering where is the problem.
Untitled_7.gms (9.6 KB)
Jun Keat
I’m using epsilon constraint method to solve three objective functions. The code runs fine but it stops randomly halfway through execution. I am wondering where is the problem.
Untitled_7.gms (9.6 KB)
Jun Keat
What do you mean with
it stops randomly halfway through execution
Can you share the log/lst?
For me it seems to work fine and terminates nicely
Hi Fred,
I’m only can obtain one result in gdx. file. I guess it suppose to have a set of pareto optimal solutions?
Jun Keat
Hi Jun Keat,
There are different gdx file created. soleps.gdx seems to have the information you are looking for.
Hi Fred,
This is the result I obtained. Seems like the code just stop after getting one solution.
Is there some problem with my laptop or my software?
Jun Keat
The screenshot indicates that the job was not yet completed. Otherwise you would see
*** Status: Normal completion
in the log (or some error message if there are any issues).
Can you please share the full log file?
Yes, as the program stops halfway where my last screenshot shows so I cannot get the logfile.