Consider the following parameter:
parameters test(HUD,IUD) /
HUD02 .IUD15 15
HUD10 .IUD15 20
HUD10 .IUD20 30
I want to replace the numbers in first dimension (HUD) with the numbers from the second dimension (IUD).
That is, if “IUD” is “IUD15”, then “HUD” should be “HUD15” and so on.
That is, I want my finale parameters to be:
parameters test(HUD,IUD) /
HUD15 .IUD15 15
HUD15 .IUD15 20
HUD20 .IUD20 30
How do I do that in a smart way?
If there are not so many IUD elements, make a map between the IUD and the corresponding HUD (himap) and use this to create the new parameter:
set HUD /HUD02,HUD10,HUD15,HUD20/;
set IUD /IUD15,IUD20/;
set himap(HUD,IUD) / HUD15.IUD15,HUD20.IUD20 /;
parameters test(HUD,IUD) /
HUD02 .IUD15 15
HUD10 .IUD15 20
HUD10 .IUD20 30
parameter test2(HUD,IUD);
alias (HUD,HUD2);
loop((HUD,HUD2,IUD)$(test(HUD,IUD) and himap(HUD2,IUD)), test2(HUD2,IUD) = test(HUD,IUD));
option test2:0:0:1; display test2;
If there are many many IUD you need to do this programmatically. Embedded Python code can be used for this. Look at the example
Perfect! Thanks a lot!
However, I will only have two records in test2.
It seems like GAMS automatically remove:
HUD15 .IUD15 15
because there is already a record with the same dimension - that is:
HUD15 .IUD15 20
Is it possible - within the loop - to sum the value if the dimension is going to be the same. So my final results is:
parameters test(HUD,IUD) /
HUD15 .IUD15 35
HUD20 .IUD20 30
where the number 35 comes from 20 + 15?
Sure. But you should understand the GAMS code yourself. It you understand what it does the change is trivial:
set HUD /HUD02,HUD10,HUD15,HUD20/;
set IUD /IUD15,IUD20/;
set himap(HUD,IUD) / HUD15.IUD15,HUD20.IUD20 /;
parameters test(HUD,IUD) /
HUD02 .IUD15 15
HUD10 .IUD15 20
HUD10 .IUD20 30
parameter test2(HUD,IUD); test2(HUD,IUD) = 0;
alias (HUD,HUD2);
loop((HUD,HUD2,IUD)$(test(HUD,IUD) and himap(HUD2,IUD)), test2(HUD2,IUD) = test(HUD,IUD)+test2(HUD2,IUD));
option test2:0:0:1; display test2;