Cannot get optimal solution for a very simple model

Hi, all,

I write a simple QCP problem as follows, and I used different solvers to solve it. But, some of them, such as CONOPT, IPOPT, cannot get the optimal solution.

Clearly, the optimal solution is x=1, the optimal objective value is -1. However, some solvers return x=0.

Could someone help me solve this problem?


positive variable x;
free variable y;
Option optca=0;
Option optcr=0;


obj … y=e=-x;
cons1 … x*(x-1)=g=0;

model problem /obj,cons1/;
solve problem using qcp minimzing y;
display x.l,y.l;


That is not surprising. Conopt, Ipopt, Snopt, … are local solvers. They terminate in a local optimum (KKT conditions are fulfilled). You see this in the model status: **** MODEL STATUS 2 Locally Optimal. You need a solver with a global perspective to get the global optimum for a non-convex problem as yours, e.g. Antigone, Baron, … (see solver table at and check the last column ‘Global’). You can also pay more attention to your starting point. The Conopt manual ( is a good source for information on that.
