Can a binary variable be used for CGE simulations?

Hello to everyone

I’m stuck in something. I have a CGE model in which I would like to focus on a binary variable let’s say X. I want to test the model when X=1. This means that initially X is supposed to take the value 0.
I thought I would just need to fix that variable at the bottom of the model and change easily it’s value for experiment. But I observed that a binary variable cannot take the suffix .FX I don’t have enough knowledge of handling Binary variables. I went through the related posts in this forum but I didn’t get satisfaction. How can I manage this issue?
Thank you for your time.


CGE is not a model type in GAMS but a class of economic models ( that are often implemented as MCP or NLP GAMS model types. NLP model types can be combined with discrete variables resulting into the MINLP type. All variable types in GAMS can be fixed via the .fx variable suffix. Without concrete error messages or a minimal example to reproduce the error it is hard to recommend the next step to you.
