Dear GAMS users,
I’m trying to use branching priority in a MIP model which is solved by GUROBI solver. At this moment, I’m in doubt about the branching priority rules explained both by GAMS and GUROBI documents.
In GAMS Users Guide, I read the following explanation.
“Using the .prior suffix sets the priorities of the individual variables. Note that there is one prior value for each
individual component of a multidimensional variable. Priorities can be set to any real value. The default value
is 1. As a general rule of thumb, the most important variables should be given the highest priority.”
“The lower the value given to the .prior suffix, the higher the priority for branching.”
However, in GUROBI Optimizer Reference Manual, I read the following explanation about the attribute BranchPriority which must be used to set the branching priority for a discrete variable.
“Variable branching priority. The value of this attribute is used as the primary criteria for selecting a fractional variable for branching during the MIP search. Variables with larger values always take priority over those with smaller values. Ties are broken using the standard branch variable selection criteria. The default variable branch priority value is zero.”
I think there is a contradiction about the value that should be used for a variable with the highest branching priority. The smallest or the highest value among all the priority values?
I would appreciate if someone could explain which of these rules I should use in my model.
Thanks for attention,
Luiz Carlos.
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