I am solving a NLP problem with around 300 constraints (linear and nonlinear) in BARON. The problem is that BARON seems to get stuck when I ask for tighter constraint tolerance (AbsConFeasTol). After 24 hrs of running, no improvement in the upper and lower bounds. Nothing in the problem formulation seems to be infeasible. In fact I used the output of BARON with more relaxed constraint tolerance (AbsConFeasTol=1e-5) as an initial guess but still the upper bound is 1e+52. Here is a sample of the output
Iteration Open nodes Time (s) Lower bound Upper bound
1 1 86.10 0.00000 0.100000E+52
5 3 127.89 0.00000 0.100000E+52
6 4 167.82 0.00000 0.100000E+52
12 7 209.01 0.00000 0.100000E+52
14 8 265.94 0.00000 0.100000E+52
61 31 313.80 0.00000 0.100000E+52
79 40 379.44 0.00000 0.100000E+52
103 52 412.32 0.00000 0.100000E+52
108 55 458.68 0.00000 0.100000E+52
109 55 501.58 0.00000 0.100000E+52
121 61 531.93 0.00000 0.100000E+52
157 79 581.79 0.00000 0.100000E+52
166 84 624.81 0.00000 0.100000E+52
193 97 655.01 0.00000 0.100000E+52
16990 8255 171793.04 0.00000 0.100000E+52
16999 8260 171941.71 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17017 8269 172099.75 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17026 8273 172249.53 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17035 8278 172335.77 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17044 8282 172487.45 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17053 8287 172641.90 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17062 8291 172792.15 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17071 8296 172941.27 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17080 8301 173001.49 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17098 8310 173151.41 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17107 8314 173302.94 0.00000 0.100000E+52
17116 8319 173371.63 0.00000 0.100000E+52
what could be happening? How do you get a more accurate solution beyond the default AbsConFeasTol = 1e-5?