Assinging values within a table to a parameter


I am fairly new to GAMS and coding in general so I´m very sorry if this question might be a little bit stupid.

Im currently working on a tour scheduling problem. The goal is to solve it with Excel data converted into a gdx file so far so good.

My gdx. file has a two-dimensional data set with e employees and q skills. The data within the table is supposed to be the value for parameter g(e,q). But how do I tell GAMS that? I´ve read through many parts of the documentation but nothing seems to be working…

Help is very appreciated, the code and gdx. file is down below. Thanks in advance!
Bachelorarbeit.gms (4.74 KB)
inputs.gdx (74.3 KB)

The documentation about $load (see should help. In your case you need to load Data1 as g:

$GDXIN inputs.gdx
$LOAD g=Data1
