Access to Hessian & Jacobian matrices at optimal point (IPOPTH)

Dear all,

I’m looking for help for a queations that I’ve not found the solution.

Actually, I’m working with NLP’s, where I require to do sensitivity analysis. To do so, I need the information regarding the Hessian and Jacobian matrices. Increasing the print_level allows me to visualize this information in .log file, how ever I need to use this information in a next step, after the solution of the NLP, for sentitivity purposes.

Does someone know how retrieve this information from IPOPT here in GAMS?

In advance thank you all for your support, I really appreciate your help.


P.s. I’m not looking for GAMS to do the sensitivity analysis, I just need to make useful the information of Hessian and Jacobian for a next step. It would be great if GAMS incorporates sIPOPT, this would solve lots of problems.
I found a similar discussion here in the link (, but apparently it doesn’t work with IPOPT.

The GAMS/Ipopt link does not provide you with this information, but you can “resolve” the model again with the “convert” solver ( with option gdxDump filename.gdx and dictmap filename.gdx:

option solver=ipopt;
solve mymodel min obj using nlp;

$onecho > convert.opt
dumpGDX h.gdx
dictmap d.gdx
option solver=convert; mymodel.optFile = 1;
solve mymodel min obj using nlp;

The GDX file h.gdx contains the Jacobian and Hessian at the point returned by GAMS/Ipopt. The index in h.gdx is a variable and equation sequence number: x1…xn and e1…em. The dictmap file d.gdx helps you to map this in the your original namespace.

Good luck,

PS The convert solver had changed recently. Before there was convert and convertd. Moreover, the gdxdump option did not exist and was named either jacobian or hessian. You can find older documentation also on our web site by selecting the distribution version you have in the top left corner of the documentation pages:

I Michael,

I really appreciate your help and support.
I followed your instructions and it was successful.
You know, I’m using GAMS V33.2. In this version, apparently, just by using the option ‘hessian’ it gives you the complete information for the Hessian and Jacobian matrices in a single GDX file.

I’m just now mapping names for these matrices.

Thank you for your time.
