AC OPF, polar coordinate problem

Hi all,

I am trying to implement the AC-OPF problem in GAMS (with knitro and ipopt solvers).

There are two versions I created. The first one follows this example and it works correcttly and give a correct solution.
In the second version, I tried to follow the model in this paper
Here I used Eq (5)- Eq (11) and Eq (57) - Eq (58) for the power flow equations. This version keeps getting infeasible solution (it should have yielded the same solution as in version 1)

I have attached my GAMS codes for your references. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


AC_OPF_14bus_polar_v1.gms (4.97 KB)
AC_OPF_14bus_polar_v2.gms (12.5 KB)